absalutely rubbish

how it got 7.6 rating is beyond me.
its disgusting, unfunny, retarded piece of crap i have ever seen.
how can any adult like this??
may be 13 yr kids find it 'cool' or something. but
geez dont waste ur time on this.
cant believe peter jackson directed this crap.


Are you kidding me? It's his best movie.

"We're all in it together, kid." ~ Harry Tuttle (Brazil)


It's not as bad as your spelling though.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


Tell us what you really think

Hope for the best and expect the worst.


He thinks it's absalutely rubbish, amorlover2002.


Totally agree with OP. OK, I know this film was meant to be funny and anything but serious, but frankly I don't get this type of humor at all (and I'm what you can call a 'zombie fan', 2004 'Dawn of the dead' is my favourite zombie movie).



2004 'Dawn of the dead' is my favourite zombie movie

Nuff said.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.



"(and I'm what you can call a 'zombie fan', 2004 'Dawn of the dead' is my favourite zombie movie)."

You're what I would call a zombie fan in the works. A Zomb-baby, if you will. I loved the remake of DOTD when I was younger and it was released in theaters, and I still have a soft spot for it. But it's far from my favorite, it's just a guaranteed good time.

"Why is it that whenever anybody starts one of these "me no like movie" threads, they never return to defend their point of view."

Thank God for you. I always wonder this and it never changes. It's troll *beep* that even the trolls don't care about, just stirring the pot with their turd.

"Because they're all spoiled American kids brought up on Hollycrap wenting because they were "bored" by a movie that did not deliver what their fat-ADD-riddled, louse-infected, scabby little carcasses wanted and needed. 

So the answer to your question is: Hollywood, MCDonalds and the American dream is why. The US way of living and Hollywood is to blame.


OP is a proclaimed Canadian that hates Americans and America. I'm an American and I love Dead Alive. So where is your argument now? Oh, well it's filed in the "Hate Garbage" slot. Thats odd...

"It was a lot better than the original Day Of The Dead and only falls below the original Night...original Dawn and the remake of Night Savini directed.."

I don't know how old you are, but the original Day of the Dead not only surpasses the remake of DOTD but the original. Its the most poetic and beautiful. It's existential and inspirational, while simultaneously bleak and morose. The doctor and Bub are timeless charters in any storytelling medium and the symbolism throughout the film is breathtakingly calculated. I can see why Romero's depression from audiences and critics initial reaction had such a lingering effect. He put a lot of effort into that film, possibly the most out of all of his films.


2nd that.


(and I'm what you can call a 'zombie fan', 2004 'Dawn of the dead' is my favourite zombie movie).

you suck



You're crap, *beep* off.


Why is it that whenever anybody starts one of these "me no like movie" threads, they never return to defend their point of view.


Because they're all spoiled American kids brought up on Hollycrap wenting because they were "bored" by a movie that did not deliver what their fat-ADD-riddled, louse-infected, scabby little carcasses wanted and needed.

So the answer to your question is: Hollywood, MCDonalds and the American dream is why. The US way of living and Hollywood is to blame.






If you read my Hero's Journey thread, you'll find you are very wrong and the film is not rubbish.



Absalutely rubbish?

Hmm, well I disagree.




You are right it is a joke.
Anyone expecting a serious film is an idiot.

It's MEANT to be a joke.

Jesus died for our sins. As he's already dead...sin away.
