By far...

...the grossest zombie movie I've ever seen in my life... wow, just wow!

Shipper War - Movie & TV News:


Indeed. My girlfriend and I just caught this on Netflix this evening, and despite it being ridiculous and over-the-top/cartoonish, both of us started getting sick to our stomachs over the gore.

Never insult seven people when you're only packing a six-shooter.


Yep, that's where I catch it on as well, on Netflix. I always remembered the cover art for this film from visiting my local video store as a kid, but never rented it because I was too young at the time for it. So I decided to finally watch it to see what the film was about and I honestly can say donno if I'll ever be able to watch it ever again.

Shipper War - Movie & TV News:


This movie is probably one of my best memories of flipping through cable channels. I mean, how can you forget it :)
