The Hero's Journey

This is the best zombie movie I have ever seen to date. The humor, violence, and special effects are amazing no matter how bad they are. (But they aren't...)

For those of you who believe this film is nothing but rubbish and a waste of time because it was illogical violence mixed with revolting humor...think again.

This film is the PERFECT movie example of The Hero's Journey. It does have a huge story behind it and a lot of thought. A lot of the steps of the journey may be out of order, but they're all there. Let me show you:


The Call to Adventure-Pequita tries to get Lionel to go out with her.

Refusal of the Call-Lionel chickens and runs back to his house to "save" his mother from the beetle.

Supernatural Aid-Lionel gets the necklace of The Star and Moon.

The Crossing of the First Threshold-Lionel gives his mother tranquilizer and prevents the zombies from attacking him or others.

The Belly of the Whale-Lionel tries to prevent the zombies from being active and not actually trying to kill them, which begins to destroy his relationships with the outside world.


The Road of Trials
The road of trials often occurs in threes. Three more zombies are introduced to Lionel's issue.

The Meeting with the Goddess-Lionel meets with Pequita's mother/grandmother/aunt/random old lady who lives in house. She tells Lionel of his future and gives him advice and the Supernatural Aid.

Temptation-Lionel tries to live a normal life with the zombies. He tries to take the zombie baby to the park and ultimately fails.

Atonement with the Father-It doesn't have to be a father, it can be a parental type figure. Lionel confronts his mother about killing his father and lover and he is finally at peace and no longer afraid of his mother.

Battle with the Dragon-Lionel kills his zombie beast mother on the roof of his home.

Apotheosis-Lionel is put back in the womb of his mother. He then breaks free and is "reborn", becoming a new being, a hero.

The Ultimate Boom-The ultimate boom is when Lionel's mother falls through the roof of the house and the house begins to burn down.


The Magic Flight-Lionel literally flies on a wire off the house away from the burning building with Pequita.

Rescue from Without-The police and fire department show up to save any survivors and to put out the fire in the house.

The Crossing of the Return Threshold-Lionel throws the relic into the bushes and leaves it there.

Freedom to Live-Lionel walks away with Pequita, knowing he has become a hero and he can now live as himself but with courage and bravery.

So that's why folks...Dead-Alive, is the best movie ever made.


THAT IS TRIPPY!! I just started reading The Hero With A Thousand Faces 3 days ago, and i literally just finished watching Braindead. Coincidence?...i think not!
