MovieChat Forums > Braindead (1993) Discussion > The 'party's ovah' scene doesn't have ne...

The 'party's ovah' scene doesn't have nearly enough blood.

No, this is not some lame attempt at humor. I honestly think there's too little fake blood being used here; it looks like at LEAST double as much would be more proper. Honestly. For each zombie it looks like only a liter of blood is being sprayed. Yes, sprayed. It looks like someone is using a spray bottle for the blood splatter. I think it should really splash and stuff like that, cover everything in blood, not just make some stains here and there.

"I'll die unless you kill me!" - Ethan Hunt


I never thought that I would witness a remark on a lack of blood in this movie.


I hope I didn't disappoint.

But yes, I am dead serious here. Doesn't anyone else feel the same?

"I'll die unless you kill me!" - Ethan Hunt


Well I haven't really given it much thought as I always fall in to a hypnotized state of satisfaction by the overpowering awesomeness, but you might be right. As you say there could have been more for each individual zombie he grinds up.


Eventually, the company that sells them fake blood was running low on supply, and then refused to send them any more. So they had to work with what they had left. :P

(For those who don't get it, I don't know this for a fact. It's a joke, or, at least, it's meant to be a joke. Who knows, maybe that really happened. xD)


not enough blood? are you serious? there was crap loads of blood in this movie!


Sorry for the late reply. This is what happens when people don't click the reply button on the person they want to reply to.

Anyway, I'm dead serious. I did explain myself. Yes, there's loads of blood, but in proportion to all the zombies slain? Far too little. Most blood shed is just a thin, thin layer being sprayed. Should have been a lot more. It should at least have been like a blood-filled blender without a lid. But it's like a spray bottle.

...Screw ze clearance. Ve vill *take* that plane.


I remember commenting on this someday while watching it as a little kid back in the nineties probably for the 18th time or so and a discussion of sorts being had. At first we all agreed that there wasn't nearly enough blood but then one of my buddies who was a few years older than the rest of us sat us down and calmly explained to us that the blood "would obviously seep through the flooring in such an old house" and that "most of the blood was now in the basement" or something to that effect. We all bought it.



Cool story (in a sincere way, not that hip "cool story bro" way), but my point was not that the blood on the floor wasn't deep enough. I'm talking about the blood pouring (in this case spraying, which is part of the problem) out of "people". It looks like much but, again, it's SPRAYING. It would not amount to much in the end, certainly not enough in proportion to the amount of blood we have in us. Plus, it's a movie -- even if that was a realistic amount (which I REALLY do not think it is), I would've preferred exaggeration for entertainment's sake.

More splatter!

Oh, kick-€$@&%!-ass! I got a MasterCard!


Well realistically zombies don't have heartbeats so the blood wouldn't spray. Perhaps their swelling would have created a small pressurazied spray initially but with no heart pump, most of the bodies blood would have remained in the body.

Saying that, I agree there wasn't enough blood in that scene. One of the few flaws in the film. The reason I think that's is might just have been due to cost and squeamishness. Too much blood would have had everyone vomiting all the time, and Cosgroves slipping and sliding would have actually been real, spoiling take after take. (Snipes in Blade II mentions he nearly vomited just being in water tinged in red)

Not to mention the clothing, walls and the face of Cosgrove and other zombies would have had to been cleaned up after every take. Very time consuming if not expensive. It was a low budget film, can't have everything.


Great comment. Thank you for contributing.

Very good, Louis. Short, but pointless.



i don't even think that this is the "goriest/bloodiest" movie ever.
