MovieChat Forums > Captain Ron (1992) Discussion > HERE'S Another Movie Review That Leonard...

HERE'S Another Movie Review That Leonard Maltin BLEW!

You know HOW the weatherman gets a six-figure salary to forecast the weather, and he/she is WRONG more than half the time? Yup, it works THAT way with movie critics, too. I checked-out
"Captain Ron," this morning, on ENCORE (part of the STARZ package on cable), and found it (well,
if not hilarious) surprisingly amusing. So, WHAT did movie critic Leonard Maltin say about it?
"Dreadful timewaster establishes its comic credentials by giving {Kurt} Russell the funny role and
{Martin} Short the straight one." Oh, yes, Maltin rated the movie a BOMB, too. Come on, Lenny,
"Plan 9 From Outer Space" WAS a BOMB; I'd give THIS flick two-and-a-half-stars JUST for the INSPIRED casting move of making Kurt Russell the comic, and Martin Short the set-up man. Personally (and THIS is just MY bias), I find Martin Short to be about as funny as an attack of
hemorrhoids. Kurt Russell WORKS because NOBODY expects him to be funny, but he IS! I had a GOOD TIME watching the movie (but then, again, I'm a HUGE Kurt Russell fan!).

I'm the bad guy? How'd that happen?
Michael Douglas ("D-FENS"), in "Falling Down"



I'm with you, meanwiddlekid. I've had MANY opportunities to see "Captain Ron," in the past, and I never took one; until yesterday. I guess it's because Martin Short is in it; like I said in my previous post, I just CAN'T stand him! He's not funny, he's silly (like Jerry Lewis and Jim Carrey), and he SOON becomes annoying to me. Kurt Russell, on the other hand, WAS HILARIOUS! Movie critics should roll up their sleeves, and remove the broomstick from their asses when they watch movies.
What, they're going to be ridiculed by other critics if they actually LIKE something that's considered
"low-brow" by their contemporaries? We have a newspaper movie critic in my town, who ONLY gives four star reviews to movies with subtitles!

I'm the bad guy? How'd that happen?
Michael Douglas ("D-FENS"), in "Falling Down"



Yeah, THAT'S the ticket, meanwiddlekid, they could've given THAT role to a "second banana," like
Harvey Korman from the "Carol Burnett Show." Martin Short was TOO far "over the top." Again, Kurt Russell was GREAT playing against "type." I had a lot of fun watching the movie!

I'm the bad guy? How'd that happen?
Michael Douglas ("D-FENS"), in "Falling Down"


I thought is was perfectly cast. That Martin Short (who is not a favorite by any means,) was cast in his role was very good. I love this movie. It's a great movie any time, but especially on a winter's day when it's raining.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


The only good thing about this flick was Meadow Sisto's ASS!

The Smoker You Drink, The Player You Get!


Kurt Russel is funny in this and Short is tolerable.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.


I agree Terryvanhelsing, but it may have been better with someone other than M. Short, who knows, I remember seeing this on Fox TV a time or 2 & as the first dvd I bought, not that it was that great but it happened to be in the Wal*Mart bargain bin at the time, as far as critics go I've never listened, well most of the time, because what just that one persons likes doesn't mean they'll like what even half of what regular movie goers would like & a lot of them don't know how to write a good review.


I used to refer to Leonard Maltin all the time and I noticed a pattern. I saw that he tends to be highly critical of modern comedies as opposed to the classics from the 30s and 40s. It's best that IMDB stopped listing his reviews years ago and replaced him with Find some reviewers that you generally agree with and check with them. For comedy and drama reviews, I check Berardinelli and for horror, I check only those reviewers that specialize in them. For old time movies... I check with Maltin.


I agree with all of you who say Maltin swung and missed.

When VCRs first came out, I needed a guide to all the movies so I would annually buy Maltin's Movie Review Guidebook.

But his review of Captain Ron and Forrest Gump really turned me off. I now consider Roger Ebert as my movie critic guru..!


