MovieChat Forums > Captain Ron (1992) Discussion > Why Isn't This Movie in the Top 250?

Why Isn't This Movie in the Top 250?

No seriously. Why not?

I laugh hysterically every time I think about this waste basket of a movie. I think we ought to start a Captain Ron in the IMDB Top 250 campaign.


It definitely deserves better than a 4.8, I rated it an 8 and that to me is pretty high. It's also better than plenty of movies in the top 250, which is by far and large a joke.
I feel like an angel baby swaddled in a cocoon of cloud candy.


Totally agree. I don't know how many times I've watched this movie and I still laugh my head off. One of my favorites


I'm watching it right now for the umpteenth time and I couldn't agree with you guys!



This movie is like the top thing you can do. One of the best ever, and Kurt is a legend.

1'LL $3|\|D j00Z 4 L0\/3 L3773r. 57r419|-|7 Phr0/\/\ /\/\'/ |-|34r7, PhU(|<3r.


No offense, but the "leet speak" destroys absolutely any credibility your posts might otherwise convey.
I feel like an angel baby swaddled in a cocoon of cloud candy.


This movie is better than a 4.8 but certainly isn't top 250.


No offense, but the "leet speak" destroys absolutely any credibility your posts might otherwise convey.

Ok, and me commenting on Captain Ron as being one of the best movies ever didn't already do that? Why don't you settle down, and enjoy the brilliance that is Captain Ron... dummy.

1'LL $3|\|D j00Z 4 L0\/3 L3773r. 57r419|-|7 Phr0/\/\ /\/\'/ |-|34r7, PhU(|<3r.


Just to make note of something significant:

On Aug 1 2007, Kittysafe wrote: "It definitely deserves better than a 4.8..."
As of today, Jan 16 2013, Captain Ron is rated 5.3, and has arithmetic mean of 5.9. "Arithmetic mean" means without IMDb's funky, undisclosed, unvalidated correction magic.

That could mean that anyone you ask today is likely tho rate it higher than someone in 2006. But we don't know how popular it is today because we would need to take a poll which would not include the old votes.

To pull a score up from 4.8 to 5.3 would probably require recent scores higher than 5.3, because 5.3 scores would only pull it up to some score between 4.8 and 5.3.

So I'm guessing this movie must be in the 6-8 range.




I can't force myself to rate it a 10. We have to contend with the fact that the film contain 10-15 minutes without the titular character, and it's a drag. Luckily, Captain Ron is almost always onscreen soon thereafter. One of the greatest characters in film history. I honestly believe he had some influence on Jeff Bridges' performance in The Big Lebwoski.

9/10 it is. Captain Ron will be at 6.0 one of these days.

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