MovieChat Forums > Captain Ron (1992) Discussion > I didn't know that this was a sequel.......

I didn't know that this was a sequel..... Major Payne!!! Kurt Russel stated in the special features on the DVD


what? both movies were completely differnet. intresting.


doesnt a sequel continue the story of one or more characters? or have a similar theme...or have some kind of connection?

"Is a hippopotamus a hippopotamus, or just a really cool Opotamus?"



I agree. Also, unless I am missing something here...Major Payne came out 3 years after Capt Ron.


Wait wait wait wait wait...back it up...theres a dvd out with speical features on it? When did this happen!?


Yeah I think that Mambo was Major Pain. Keep in mind, Mambo was a tattoo artist and I think the connection was how Bam Bam Bigelow was in the movie and Mambo/Major Payne was the tattoo artist who tattooed his head. It prolly had something to do with Mambo/Major Payne charging too much or Bam Bam not happy with his artwork! Just something to think about! You can see the anxiety on his face in both movies!


Okay, the guy who plays Mamba and the guy in Major Payne are TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE.

Major Payne was played by DAMON WAYANS. Mamba was played by Jainardo Batista. There is no connection, it was a joke, end of thread.

"[holding up a bowling ball] What the *beep* is this?"
"Obviously you're not a golfer."


Sandman, im not talking about the actors. Thats like saying that Michael Keaton and George Clooney are two different people, yeah they are, but they were both Bruce Wayne in the Batman.

its a different actor in both movies, sure. But they are both playing different versions of the same character ya a** goblin!!


Not Major Payne - Escape from New York, silly

The President is hot on Snake's tail again, so one of his buddies builds a time machine to travel back before everything went to s#$%, and help prevent those events from happening. But knowing Snake, he just travels back and kicks back a few, cuz you know, he doesn't give a s#$%, and ends up falling into the life of a boat captain for bored yuppies.

This synopsis was included at the beginning of the original workprint for Captain Ron, but was yanked at the last minute when approval from John Carpenter couldn't be obtained.

Chuck Norris Cartoon Music Video


There is no connection of any character in any two movies whatsoever. Not Captain Ron, not Major Payne. and ass goblin? Come on, Im not name clling YOU to make a point you douche bag. heh.

"[holding up a bowling ball] What the *beep* is this?"
"Obviously you're not a golfer."


He's kidding, and Major Payne came out years after Captain Ron.


I'm not kidding! But I made an error by saying sequel and not prequel! Captain Ron is the prequel to Major Paine.

Sandman, sorry bout the name calling btw, I've grown up a bit since our last confrontation 2 years ago! No hard feelings I hope.


"Captain Ron" & "Major Payne" have absolutely no connection to each other whatsoever. That's like calling "The Goonies" the sequels to "Sixteen Candles", except those at least both involve teens. Ron & Payne's only connections are they're both movies, both comedies, and both have human beings in them.


As we stated before, Major Paine WAS in Captain Ron, only he went under the alias of Mambo, the dude that gave Caroline her tattoo. Since he had such a small, yet interesting role it's not surprising that they gave the character a storyline to himself! And what better would boost rating than to get Damon Wayans to do the acting for the Mamba/Major Payne character since he was a very recognizable face. Think about it, it actually makes sense, just open your mind a little :)


So on the grounds that since a black man is in "Captain Ron", that's enough to warrant that it's the same character as Major Payne? No, Mambo's spin-off movie was "Training Day" but Denzel Washington played him. No actually it's "The Nutty Professor" and the skinny version of Eddie Murphy was actually Mambo/Major Payne. Also "The Departed" is actually the 3rd film in the epic "Captain Ron" series, followed by "Coming To America", somehow released several years prior to the first film due to the time travel aspect revealed in Captain Ron part 5 (titled "Team America: World Police" for unknown reasons) and the 6th film was "The Matrix" (also a spin-off of the TV series that inspired "Captain Ron" called "American Idol").

If that's confusing so is this topic, but it makes as much sense as "Major Payne" being "Captain Ron 2". And ratings are for TV shows, not movies.


It has nothing to do with skin color ! I don't want to argue. I guess take it up with Kurt Russel since he stated that in the bonus features. Just thought it was crazy and wondered if anyone else saw that and what they thought, not to argue.


He was kidding. On the other hand, Captain Ron's eyepatch was done by him as a nod to his Snake Plisken character from "Escape From New York". One could make another argument that this is what Snake was doing before the world fell apart prior to "Escape From New York", lol.


No, Major Payne is the sequel to Captain Ron- get over it!


Well ya might wanna let everyone know who worked on "Captain Ron" and "Major Payne" cause they're all unaware of this. Ya know what, "Willow" takes place between "The Hobbit" and "Lord of the Rings". They're similar enough that I don't even need to explain cause it makes more sense then your odd Ron/Payne connection.


This isn't about movies that are similar! This is about 2 movies with the same character, this being Mamba/Major Payne! I thought it was great instead of Kurt Russel hogging all the limelight for a sequel, they got the Mamba/Major Payne character to shine.

I understand it's not as obvious as the 6 sequels of Police Academy's definitely a sequel and a d*mn good one I might add :)


Can someone please explain where all of this special featuers talk is coming from? I didn't think there were any extras on any release of either film.

I do like this thread, though.

Emily? Who's Emily?


Sorry ignore me, I just got the blu-ray of both films. The transfers are exceptional, but the Kurt Russell interview is pure gold.

Time to blow



No way.
