MovieChat Forums > Captain Ron (1992) Discussion > I wish for more captain ron

I wish for more captain ron

Why can't the captain ron character get another movie, or at least make a cameo? Is any one else dying for more? I felt like there was a lot held back because of what the critics might, and eventually would say. I have an older copy of the DVD and was wondering if there was a newer version out with special features/outtakes/deleted scenes/more of captain ron to laugh at.



I was just thinking the same thing. It just started on ENCORE a few minutes ago and I thought, I wish they had had another Captain Ron movie. One of my favorities and love to watch it all the time.

Someday I'm gonna go down there.


They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


This movie is addicting & I can't put my finger on it. Like Daytonabob says, its perfect for a cold, rainy day. I'm watching it now for the 1000th time as usual. Early a.m., my wifes sleeping in & I'm sucking down coffee. The flick fills some kind of fantasy for everbody that likes it, I think. For me, two years from retirement I dream about a boat for the two of us to explore the islands like the Harvey's. It also reminds me of times when our kids were little & we did the family vacation thing that always had it's ups & downs, but in the end, left great memories.

I strongly recommend you find a copy of the soundtrack, I did. It's perfect for the cold days but even better for summer.

Here's wishing a little Captain Ron in all of us....



It makes me feel the same way. I can almost feel myself on the deck with a margarita in one hand and the wheel in the other!


Captain Ron is, possibly, the best worst film ever made...but for some reason, I too cannot stop watching it. I love Kurt Russell and Martin short (in OTHER films) and I like the Island locations and ocean settings, but the film is just so Godawful... But I can't stop laughing at it. The humor misses the mark EVERY time and falls completely flat, but I actually find that funny, so I guess it still kinda' works as a comedy, just not in the way it was intended.

Captain Ron holds a very special place in my heart...a really confused place.


I agree that the technical aspects of the movie weren't much to look at and the story isn't anything special. However, I am like addicted to this movie and I love Captain Ron. I too wish for more of him... I guess we can dream.

-"But at the end of the day we can endure much more than we think we can."


This movie works only because of Kurt Russell's performance. His performance is just so perfect in this, sort of wry, tossed off lines, like nothing ever bothers him. Along with Big Trouble in Little China, this is probably his best acting job.


I haven't posted this about a lot of movies, but I would n't mind seeing a sequel to CAPTAIN RON.


I absolutely love the movie...wish they'd make a second one or like the one person said, a cameo of Captain Ron would rock!!! maybe in POTC2? haha
