If You Were Kathy...

Would you have married Edgar? Would you have stayed with Heathcliff and said no to Edgar? Even if you knew he might be poor for the rest of his life?

Would you have left Edgar when Heathcliff came back?

Or would you have done just what Kathy did?


If I was Cathy, I would marry Edgar. in these times she lived, she didnt have any other opportunity. if she married Hethcliff, maybe he would have never left WH, and never become rich, because he would be already satisfied by marrying her. and to live in poority, excluded by society, it was not easy. ane Edgar was good man, who really loved her. i think, she didnt have another choise...maybe if she told heathlicff about how she feel, they could arrange it, she could have wait for him, he would come back rich enought and they could get married. but i think she underrated him.


Yes... It's kind of a tough decision either way though isn't it? And her decision seems to have killed her...

I think I am definitely the running through the rain after Heathcliff kind of girl. I would have stayed with Heathcliff, no matter what.

But I always go for the handsome, broke boys!!! Hah! So I don't really recommend it!!!


What you have to remember is in the book Cathy's real reason (or so she says) of marrying Edgar is so Heathcliff can have a better life, that she'll be able to protect him as Linton's wife. I'm sure she was looking at personal gain from it as well, but her primary reason was for him...

I think I would have gone for Heathcliff in the first time. But when it came to waiting for him or marrying Edgar... I'd like to think I'd wait, but face it, it would seem unlikely that he'd ever come back. So I probably would have married Edgar in that time.

You couldn't really divorce back then. I know today I would definitely get a lawyer and leave Edgar, but back then? On the other hand that only really affected "being in society" and although Cathy did, I don't really give a *beep* about society. You'd be persona non grata, but with him, she'd be equally shunned anyway divorce or no divorce. Remember "It would degrade me to marry him?" Not figurative. It'd be tough. But me? Even then, I think there's a big possibility I'd do it.


Letme see....this question is tricky, because if I was in Cahty's orgininal position, I would have married Heathcliff. I could not deny my feelings, my passions, etc. I wouldn't care about society or if I was poor, as long as we were happy.

Then the story gets darker. If I were to see how Heathcliff treated his wife, his sons, and everybody around him, no...I wouldn't have married him. Even if deep down I loved him, I would have been too disapointed with his cruelty. Her treated everyone terribly towards the end, and I couldn't be with someone like that.

But if it was the Heathcliff of the beginning, then yes, I would have married him.


I think he treated them horribly BECAUSE he wasn't with Catherine, so that might change things.

“Part A: Have you taken care of that rash? Part B: Where is my jar of cream cheese?” - Chris Lowell


Cathy loved Heathcliff, but she was selfish and stuck up.

Time rushes by
Love rushes by
Life rushes by
But the Red Shoes stay on


to dreams in the mist..i think that the real reason heathcliff became so ruthless was because he was denied the love of his life and for what? status?..
i think that initally heathcliff had a bit of darkness inside him but with cathy by his side, that darkness within him could be easily controlled while on the other hand, if he lost cathy, the only person who could save him from this 'darkness' would be lost; and tus that darkness thrives and finally drives him into ruining everyone and everything around him.
i hope you understood ;S

btw as for me, i'd definately stick by heathcliff...like they say 'for better or for worse' ;)

^^-mate, feed, kill, repeat^^


I think people jump on Catherine too easily, quick to call her selfish and materialistic. But keep in mind that she had an abusive brother at home, one who liked to play with shotguns when he was hammered, which was quite often. Maybe she just wanted to escape, and Edgar offered the quickest way out.

"Remember what this world is made of: 'LOVE & PEACE!!!'" ^_^ --"Trigun"


I would definitely stay with Heathcliffe. ahh true love!!!


I would prefer to BE Heathcliffe, but then that wasn't one of the options. Never mind. :)


I can't imagine me choosing Edgar to Heathcliff...Linton lacks all that Heathcliff has - charizma, passion, and most importantly, he does love Cathy. Edgar's got money, but then again, Heathcliff is ambitiuous as a youngster, he'd make sth of himself in life. ever more so, with Cathy's love and support.


Yeah...It's all about seeing long-term really. Cathy didn't seem to be able to do that. Marrying Edgar to protect Heathcliff (especially from her brother) is admirable. However, that was not the only reason she did it. In the book it seemed like she was using that reason and many others as a flimsy excuse to marry someone rich. If it were me I'd probably go for Heathcliff. It's just completely wrong how Cathy hurt his feelings.


I think Cathy had seen so much cruelty - and then she had seen Heathcliff's temper, it scared her. He starved the birds because she wasn't there. He had a cruel side. Cathy said "I am Heathcliff" they were the same person. When she died, Heathcliff said "I cannot live without my soul". It was as though Cathy was his soul, his conscience, the good side of him (not that she was all good).

Without her to temper him, he was cruel. He became wicked.

I think that if I were Cathy, I would have married Edgar, I would not have been able to live with Heathcliff's cruelty, it would have manifested itself within their marriage at some point, I think she knew that. Edgar was kind, sweet and showed her love and safety - away from Hindley and the cold, austere cruelty of Wuthering Heights.

I would have chosen Edgar over Heathcliff in those circumstances.


I was Cathy..........and I also left my "Heathcliff" for a better life. 25 years later, I don't regret it since I know that staying with him would've meant going crazy, being abusive to each other & living a sad, poor life. Unless you know you're going to be deliriously happy, why not try for better? If you're not happy with the 'better' choice, never look back, just look forward to even better...........
