MovieChat Forums > Wuthering Heights (1992) Discussion > Do you know who would be a good Hareton ...

Do you know who would be a good Hareton Earnshaw?.

Andrew Knott. Who's currently in Spooks 9.0. Just a thought.


I'd go for Zac Efron. take a look at Hareton as a character - he's a bit wild and uncivilized, but good at heart. he needs to be played by sb with a sincere look, just like Zac's.
Andrew Knott...I don't know...maybe he'd make a good Linton (Heathcliff and Isabella's son)?


I'm not sure about Zac Effron, I don't think he's got that brutish, uncivilized quality.
What about Edgar Linton? Wouldn't Christian Coulson be a perfect choice?


Yes, i think Christian Coulson would be a good Edgar. Although, Edgar is blonde in the book, but whatever. If someone ever mentions Effron in a casting thread, they are taking the piss. I've always liked Simon Woods for Edagr.


I pictured him as Brad Pitt, but he’s too old.
