Saw Rumor though

A few good men, that's a joke right.

I have been hard pressed to find any, not one.

All perpetrators and frauds because they all bow down to the almighty dollar.

Well, I specifically needed a mental health team or a lawyer or some money to get the aforementioned.

But lawyers have lost their job trying to get the American Disability Act of 1990 in effect for the mentally disabled. A few have been dis-barred.

Mental Health workers by court order continue to get paid for mental health abuse.

Why can't a cop tell the truth in court by written or recorded video deposition without charging a fee.

Why won't mental health providers go to court with you? Counselor? Or lawyer counselor?

The privacy law does not protect me open every record to find out what is going on here you Mf stupid harmful horrible doctor or mental health person or cop or dcfs, CPS worker.

The TRUTH sets me free and Now I get a fee for the harm you've caused me.


I thought Tom Cruise was my husband when he made Zeke, I should have never married Chris and I would not have if Tom Cruise was not married to someone else.


What the hell was this? Did you fall off your meds and hit your head on something hard?

~~~"Who do you think you're dealing with? Guess again."~~~
