MovieChat Forums > A Few Good Men (1992) Discussion > Why didn't Ross object when...

Why didn't Ross object when...

Why didn't Ross (Kevin Bacon) object when Kafee questioned the Colonel about Santiago not having packed or called anybody that he was being transferred? It was speculation and should have immediately been objected.

"I'm the dude, playing a dude that's disguised as another dude".


He does:
In his initial line of questioning about Jessup's luggage Ross objects to which Kaffee requests a little latitude since the defence didn't have an opportunity to depose the witness. The Judge Grant's him 'very little latitude. A few moments later Ross says:

Please the Court, is there a question
anywhere in our future?

Lt. Kaffee, I have to --

And Kaffee says 'We'll get back to that one in a minute.

Then after Kaffee lands the boom:

...he hadn't called
a soul and he hadn't packed a thing.
Can you explain that? The fact is
there was no transfer order. Santiago
wasn't going anywhere, isn't that
right, Colonel

Object. Your Honor, it's obvious
that Lt. Kaffee's intention this
morning is to smear a high ranking
marine officer in the desperate hope
that the mere appearance of
impropriety will win him points with
the jury. It's my recommendation,
sir, that Lt. Kaffee receive an
official reprimand from the bench,
and that the witness be excused with
the Court's deepest apologies.


Your honor --

The objection's noted.
So Ross objected a number of times.

As to why the Judge overruled him is another matter entirely. Maybe he thought Kaffee had a point. Military is about procedure. Kendrick or a corporal acting on Kendrick's instructions would have overseen Santiago's preparations to ensure that his departure would not be hindered by inefficient preparation. Why he was asleep in bed without having been packed is in that context a very good question.

If you dip your foot into a pool of piranhas don't cry when you lose a toe!😞🐟
