MovieChat Forums > A Few Good Men (1992) Discussion > Anyone else think 7,6 is a bit low of a ...

Anyone else think 7,6 is a bit low of a rating?

Demi Moore was ok. Tom Cruise was good. Jack Nicholson was great. And almost all IMDB user reviews are 9+ stars?


I fully agree with you. It's a fantastic movie. I'd put it in my Top 20 of favorite films. The script is great, and the entire cast is at the top of their game. One of Reiner's best. I can't believe it's been 20 years since it came out. I remember watching it on video when I was a kid.


I'm quite surprised by this rating, it's definitely one of my favourite movies, among those selected few that I can watch over and over whenever it's on. It's a film that follows every rule in the book, but still avoids making a dull cliche out of itself. And that takes serious skill from everyone involved.

It is a disgrace that this film isn't on the Top 250 list.


Agreed the rating is not what it should be. It is one I can watch repeatedly, not get bored. I still get chills watching the court room scene in the end with Cruise and Nicholson goin at each other! All the stars involved are fabulous!


I agree with you,. The relatively low rating took me aback especially given a much hyped movie like this. Honestly I have grown to be skeptical of Imdb's ratings. Some people don't just vote on the movie, they vote on other things. I'd bet a lot of those who low rated this movie did so just because they don't like Aaron Sorkin.



I have to disagree. I think it happens a lot. Narrow minded, ego driven personalities such as Jessop often put their "feet in their mouths" all the time. It would be in their nature to heavily justify, even boast about their actions and beliefs thinking they can do no wrong and certainly not be upbraided for it.

The juxtaposition of the blustering Jessop vs Kaffee and his "girly" white uniform rreally set this up nicely.

I get it. I can relate to your objection. And I think you could argue that alot of what took place in the courtroom would not happen in a real courtroom. It is a movie, after all, and I enjoyed how it played out.

I just believe the ending scenario is not that far fetched given the characters as presented


I do. I rate it 9. The missing star was for Moore's acting and the under use of a few characters. Tome Cruise pulling a 'Jim Carrey' during his argument with More was certainly a plus.

A ship sank at the end of the movie Titanic!


The problem with his type of movie is that only true movie reviewers would find it interesting and care to watch it and they normally have more strictly score values than other casual movie fans, who will rate their favourit movies with 10 stars in that site.

Most Sci-fi movie fans are kinda nerdy and there are actually a lot of them and they probably rate their favourit movies 10 stars.

I think movies like A Few Good Men or the English Patient or some other good acting movies will mostly attractive more careful and fair rating but I would not say those rating are coming from fans. Movies like X-men, TDK, Asian movies, the rating will probably not being accurate because the viewers rate those movies at extreme ends, it will be either 9~10 or 1~3 depends on their opinions.

The rating is an indicator, IMDB rating used to be reasonably accurate but now it is much less reliable.

I would not say the rating is too low though. I think the movie is not emotional enough and probably older people or people serving in the army will be more ralated to it. Plus nothing in the movie is particularly cool enough to attract many fans. Casual movie fans will probably watch it once or twice and stop.

I watched the Matrix about 20 times and I believe some people did the same as me. Is the Matrix better than A Few Good Men? I would not say so, the acting performance is just none-comparable. The modern movies are not only about acting though so comparing the Matrix and A Few Good Men will be depends on people's opinion. I believe most critics probably pick A Few Good Men over the Matrix but the Matrix generated much more fans.

The Matrix scores 8.7 in IMDB, FYI.


I think you are talking a bit of billy-usher here. I am a sci-fi fan and this is one of my favourite films ever. (Usual suspects first).

The matrix is also a fantastic film, the idea, the cinematography and the outright ground-breaking special effects make it a must see, but A.F.G.M is fantastic for different reasons. Script, screenplay and music score for example.
Different genres = different films = different fan bases. I believe it's called personal choice.


Looking at the breakdown of the ratings, I think this film is probably one of the more accurately rated films on IMDB. Very few 1* ratings which to me, indicates that it didn't get dumped on by a bunch of anti-Scientology Cruise haters back when he jumped on Oprah's couch.

The bulk of ratings are in the 7/8/9* range which is precisely where I think it should be. Unlike other people, I find 7.6 to be a good score for a film. It's above average with some room for improvements. If I were to tic a few stars off a 10* score, I would nail it with Demi Moore and some instances of poor writing or the unnatural delivery of some of the lines. I personally rate it about an 8* and I think that's a pretty fair assessment of this film.

My "#3" key is broken so I'm putting one here so i can cut & paste with it.


Brilliantly stated, I concur.


It's about right. The film does pander to the uneducated (as all modern films do) and has no place being compared to the truly excellent films of the past. Moore was insuffrable, Cruise was annoying as usual but tolerable in parts, and Nicholson (one of the most over-rated actors in history) was actually very good in this film.

Remember When Movies Didn't Have To Be Politically Correct?


I loved this line: "because they stand on a wall and they say nothing's gonna hurt you tonight...." - protecting America from the terrible Cuban threat?



I take it you're not old enough to remember something called the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Rude, and stupid of you to assume that just because a person does not agree with you, he necessarily is less educated than you. Cuba never had a nuclear capability, and the Russians were forced to withdraw theirs after the crisis, in 1961. So, the Cubans may have had plains that could (very hypothetically) reach the US, but they certainly had nothing too interesting to drop on it, once there, except, maybe, boxes of cigars.

The Cubans have been a long oppressed and abused nation, first, the Spaniards, then - the Americans (there's even a reference to that in the second Godfather movie). Many argue that it was American imperialism that drove Cuba into bed with the USSR, and even after Castro's rise to power, the large world superpower still kept interfering with the affairs of its much smaller and weaker neighbor:

In response to the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of 1961, and the presence of American Jupiter ballistic missiles in Italy and Turkey against the USSR with Moscow within range, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev decided to agree to Cuba's request to place nuclear missiles in Cuba to deter future harassment of Cuba.

So, again, for a soldier say that thing while stated in Cuba is ridiculous on so many different levels. The aggressor always breeds a fear of his victim amongst its own people, and this is just a part of it.

America, the least attacked or threatened nation on earth....



Yep and guys standing on a wall are going to stop missiles how?
