MovieChat Forums > A Few Good Men (1992) Discussion > How do you imagine Ken Drick 'gave the o...

How do you imagine Ken Drick 'gave the order' SPOILER

Did he just simply tell Dawson and Downey to give PFC Santiago a Code Read, or just rough the fella up a bit, or would he have been very explicit on the details of what he wanted the grunts to do, hana!?


Kernal Jessup gave the order, hana.


That's actually been a key factor in many threads on this board and it's an important question because it goes directly to culpability. The fact is we just don't know.

Hey! You're not old enough to drink! Now go and die for your country!!!


If Dawson was put on the stand, then Coffee could ask him what was the order, in the same way Jack asked PFC Carl Hamburger


Ah blast I forgot what trolls you guys were (even though you're the same person). Can't believe I fell for it.

Hey! You're not old enough to drink! Now go and die for your country!!!
