Kendrick a racist?

Anyone think so? The guy Santiago was obviously Puerto Rican, and Curtis bell was obviously black based on his name. Plus Kendrick apparently was from alabama or Mississippi so it makes sense with what we know about them down there with the kkk. Plus he's trying to put Dawson away in the slammer.
I know Downey is white, but he's just a pawn I think in kendricks racist ploy. A patsy if you will. Does anyone else see this?
Plus you could tell he was mad at the judge being black, like he just zoned out and stopped answering questions he was so mad about it.


Dude he was a member of the kkk and he terrorized a lawyer defending a black man who raped his daughter and kidnapped and raped the mans assisstant.


You're both thinking of A Time to Kill. lol


No, jman892 is referring to Kendrick's attitude in a Few Good Men.

tomatosauce6808 is making a joke about the part that Sutherland played in A Time To Kill.


1. Curtis bell, if he is black (not 100% proven) "was thought of highly" by Kendrick.

2. It appeared he thought of pvt Dawson highly also. Why would Kendrick go to Dawson directly instead of the other marines when they gave Santiago a blanket party?

3. I believe both Kendrick and Jessup both had some disdain for the judge. Not because of race, but he wasn't the Gung ho semper fi marine that they dealt with on a daily basis.

4. I do believe a telling fact on his upbringing was the facial expression Kendrick made when Jessup said danny Kaffe dad help integrate southern schools.

So, I believe Kendrick grew up with certain attitudes about race and status, but he sees OD green above anything


Kendrick didn't think highly of Curtis bell... think about it, hana!


The guy Santiago was obviously Puerto Rican, and Curtis bell was obviously black based on his name.

I don't get how the name Curtis Bell makes him "obviously black." I don't think that was touched upon in the movie. Plenty of white guys with the surname Bell, as well as the first name Curtis.

I don't think it was mentioned whether Santiago was Puerto Rican, but he could have been Mexican or maybe Cuban - or none of the above.


I think he came from a bigoted part of the country (ex- the story about Lionel Kaffee integrating schools) and probably was exposed to it during his upbringing, but don't think he himself is a hardcore racist.

If you look at who testified, he had at least one other minority in his unit who backed up his story about not ordering a code red.

Regardless of race, he seems to judge people based on their dedication and commitment to country, which is why he like Dawson, but was disappointed when he ignored the order to deprive Bell of food and drink.


I don't think he's a racist. An *beep* yes, but not a racist.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


Right, because all religious people from the South are automatically racist.


Don't you know?

Can't you tell?


