MovieChat Forums > A Few Good Men (1992) Discussion > Wouldn't Sam be a full Lieutenant by "no...

Wouldn't Sam be a full Lieutenant by "now"?

Sam is the same rank as Danny - a LT JG. But Sam's older than that - he's married, with a one year old kid. He's been in the JAG Corps for a good bit longer than Kaffee's 9 months. At least 3-5 years, if not more.

When I interviewed with the JAG Corps in my final year of law school, around the time of this movie, they explained that I would come in as a LT JG, but then automatically get promoted to a full Lt. within 6 months. Same thing with the Army - I'd come in as a 1st. Lt., but be a Captain within 6 months. (And no, I didn't get either position.)

Why is Sam still the same rank as Kaffee after all those years?

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.



Maybe for dramatic purposes. I've never served but Sam's character seemed happy to not advance in any way. He was happy with his stack of files, help out if needed but short of that 'leave me alone'. Like I said I've never served but is it possible Sam refused promotion to avoid extra responsibility?


Well, there's being a slacker, and there's being a slacker. Sure, Sam likes when he has "no responsibilities here whatsoever." But he's also got a one-year-old, and he gets it that he needs more money to raise that one-year-old. I don't agree - he's not refusing promotions. I think it's just a minor, insignificant error in an otherwise terrific movie.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


OK! Not quite sure why you asked when you obviously had your mind made up already, except maybe to boast to the world you were in the Navy and therefore an authority, but each to their own.

Hey! You're not 21! Now put down that beer and go die for your country!!!


My mind wasn't made up. I asked just in case someone had a better explanation.

I wasn't in the Navy - I only applied to be in the JAG Corps. My original post is based on 20-year-old memories of that event. My memory could be wrong.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


I'm currently a paralegal in the AF Reserve and I never gave much thought to the rank issue till I just read this thread. There does seem to be a discrepancy with regards rank and time in service, I could only conclude that Sam was possibly reservist JAG, which sometimes promote slightly slower than active duty. Or maybe he was prior enlisted, which could explain how he had knowledge on military jargon and terminology and had to explain to Lt Kaffee on a few occasions. I've met a few JAG officers who started out enlisted, went to law school using the GI Bill then came back as officers.


He might have gotten demoted for smoking Oregano.


I would expect it was done to make clear why Kaffee is the lead. The case was given on purpose to LT JG Tom Cruise over the much more experienced Demi Moore to piss her off. They made Sam only for the purpose of the story to another LT JG, as most of the audience wouldn't question that. Most people don't know how the rank system work, but everyone knows that more nice badges on a uniform means higher rank. That Tom Cruise is put in front of two higher ranking people would be just confusing.


Was thinking the same thing.
