MovieChat Forums > Glengarry Glen Ross (1992) Discussion > Why does Moss tell off Roma and Levene? ...

Why does Moss tell off Roma and Levene? *SPOLIERS*

Moss and Levene robbed the office--Moss apparently went to a movie and the Como Inn while Levene actually did the deed. The next morning, Moss is the first salesman to be questioned by the police. He leaves Williamson's office and then starts screaming at Roma and Levene.

But why? Is he just upset with or perhaps jealous of Roma, and Levene just happens to be caught in the crossfire? Is he also upset with Levene, perhaps jealous of his sale (to the crazy Nyborgs, but he didn't know that yet)?

OR is he just acting mad at Levene so no one will think they collaborated? Plus, he can then give his "farewell speech" and make it seem like he went to Jerry Graff because he hated working for Mitch and Murray--not because he and Levene stole the leads.


Yes, it was apart of his scheme with Levene. In order to be inconspicuous, he had to act as if he couldn't care less about Levene's closing though I'm positive he was jealous of Roma, as was everyone else.


So jealous of Roma AND faking anger with Levene in order to dispel any suspicion that they were working together? That makes sense.


I don't know, I think Moss was genuinely angry with Shelley - that the latter closed a deal worth as much as was suspected, AFTER Moss used Shelley as his confidant.

Please nest your IMDB page, and respond to the correct person -


I think he was pissed at being accused by the cop, annoyed by the harangue by Baldwin the night before, jealous of Roma, and now jealous of Shelley who apparently closed a big one.

And an ornery guy to begin with.


I think he was pissed at being accused by the cop, annoyed by the harangue by Baldwin the night before, jealous of Roma, and now jealous of Shelley who apparently closed a big one, putting Moss third and in danger of getting fired.

And an ornery guy to begin with.


In a movie full of d-bags, Moss is the Alpha D-bag. He talks the most BS of anyone, and that's quite a feat--witness how he gives vague blue-sky info on Jerry Graff's nurse sales, when Aaronow is more likely correct that it didn't pan out. He is a classic BSer with a giant ego.

I don't get the impression for one second he thinks of anyone other than himself, ever; this is clear in how he tries to get Aaronow to take all the risk, simultaneously threatening him to get his cooperation, while he pockets most of the money. (Even the way he handles his customer, on that call in the phone booth at the beginning, shows what a hot-head he is when he doesn't get his way.)

So I can't imagine him being skillful enough to say, "OK Levine, I'm going to pretend to be PO'ed at you tomorrow so no one suspects a thing." I think he really was bent because the cops reamed him (even though he's guilty--shows how large his ego is) and was just lashing out at anyone and anything, rather than being brilliant at covering his tracks with a careful act.

As a reward for your bravery, you will both find permanent homes on adult contemporary radio.


Great post, and spot-on. Moss is truly a loathsome character in a film full of loathsome characters.

I think he was genuinely hurt and enraged by Roma's taunts...that's what really set the fuse on his explosion. Everything leading up to that was a combination of calculated anger (to deflect attention from his involvement with the break-in) and normal frustration (Levene closing a big deal, Roma's alpha-male needling).


He also says "And what the f- are you babbling about?" to Levene because he wants Shell to shut his big mouth before he inadvertently spills the beans.


And the others in the office don't think much of him, either. Witness Levene referring to Moss as an "order-taker" when talking to Williamson, and Williamson not disputing it at all.

(For those not familiar with the sales world, "order-taker" is possibly the worst insult someone can call a salesperson, as it means the person you were talking to was going to buy anyway, and you just took their order: in other words, you didn't really SELL anything.)


Bold of Moss to trust Shelley, the biggest mouth in the office, with this task. And I do believe he was legit angry with Shelly, he was PISSED over Shelley bragging about his sale. Absolutely love the subtle insult from Roma!

Moss: They get the contracts?
Roma: The *beep* do you care?

Divided They Fall
 Captain America Civil War 


I don't know if it was bold. Shelley was definitely his last resort.

I love that insult from Roma too. The movie's full of great moments like that.

Let's be bad guys.
