MovieChat Forums > Glengarry Glen Ross (1992) Discussion > If this movie had been made nowadays...

If this movie had been made nowadays...

Who can you picture as the characters?

Christopher Walken as Levine

Michael Imperioli as Roma

Colin Farrell as Moss

Giovanni Ribisi as Williamson

John C. Reilly as Aaranow

John Hawkes as Lingk

Alec Baldwin as Blake(sorry, he's irreplaceable)


I think Christian Bale should be Roma


Bale would be great. Actually, so would his Big Short co-star, Ryan Gosling. He played an arrogant jerk to perfection in that film.


William H Macy would be a great Levine.



Great call! He plays the sad sack loser to perfection.


Affleck could easily be Blake.

I'm better than you.


Well, Affleck already did (in my opinion) a piss-poor imitation of Blake in Boiler Room. His speech to the new brokers was a rather laughable ripoff of Baldwin's epic tirade.

Not knocking Affleck...he just didn't have the gravitas at 28 years old. In fact, it's a testament to Baldwin's brilliance that he seemed so much older and more in command when he gave his performance at only 34 years old.

I think Affleck could nail the Blake role with the age and screen presence he has now.


Affleck is a poor actor IMO. And he hasn't improved with age.



I think Affleck has gotten better as he's gotten older, but he has a very narrow range where he's believable IMO. He's best playing a smug, aging fratboy type like in Gone Girl, where I thought he was outstanding. He's also underrated comedically.

I don't think he necessarily does dramatic roles requiring gravitas well, although I was pleasantly surprised by his Bruce Wayne/Batman.


I guess I could see Bale as the Baldwin character, with the exception that I think I'd be afraid he was going to murder the entire cast while giving that intro speech.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


LOL. Well I was referring to Affleck, not Bale, but he could definitely pull it off. I think he's mellowed out a lot from those days, or at least he controls his temper better knowing that the perception of him being a loose cannon is out there.
