Why Hide Leads?

What I don't get about this movie is why are they hiding the good leads from their sales people? They pay good money for those good leads but they keep them in a safe?! Doesn't make sense.


If they give the leads to an inept salesman, he'll botch the deal and alienate the potential client to the point of no return. So the company decided to trim the fat first by seeing who can work even with mediocre leads before giving their top material to their best performers. It's the same principle as not wanting your worst drivers operating your best vehicles.


Yeah but Patel?

PATEL?!? Where'd you get from, a MORGUE?!?


Wait a minute... who am I here?


They pay good money for those good leads

And that is exactly why they don't just give them to anyone.

An adequate salesman might get $10,000 or $20,000 out of them. But a great one could get $50,000 or even $100,000 out of one potential good lead.

You are sin.


An adequate salesman might get $10,000 or $20,000 out of them. But a great one could get $50,000 or even $100,000 out of one potential good lead.
Could prices really differ that much?
Don't most people interested in buying real estate have a rough idea of average market value and comps? How the heck would it be possible to make a sale at 5 or 10 times the price?


Well, just look at the big differences between Roma and the rest of the sales team.

And I don't just mean the prices. I mean how much land is actually sold. It's not that a great salesman is selling at a higher price. It's that he's selling a higher quantity.
