Does Fuller have UTI ?

I know it's mostly common in females, but males can get them too.

The way he's constantly peeing himself and the way his parents constantly remind him to lay off the soda/caffeine. Makes me wonder.


They warn him but they still let him do it! In this movie it appears he was even allowed to drink a number of cans of coke actually in bed!! UTI can be one of the causes of nocturnal enuresis but since he was still wetting the bed a year on from the first movie it would have to be one neglected case of UTI in a kid. Of all the considered clinical causes Fuller ultimately wets the bed because his parents are idiots and they let him drink too much, too late in the evening.

We have to show the world that not all of us are like him: Henning von Tresckow.


What is UTI?


Urinary tract infections


It's actually ED.


He's too young for that.




I thought he was just a habitual Bed Wetter?


In this movie Fuller takes a swig and looks right at Kevin. That kid was into pee sex.
