MovieChat Forums > Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992) Discussion > This time, it's Kevin's fault he got lef...

This time, it's Kevin's fault he got left behind.

He kept nagging his dad about the batteries for his talk boy when the family was in a hurry to catch the plane.

Why couldn't he just wait til they got on the plane???

Plus he stopped and took his sweet time putting them in instead of trying to keep up with the others.


yeah it really was his fault. Who in the common sense of mind would need to use their Talk Boy (or any other device that uses batteries) when you are racing to the gate to catch your flight? but then there wouldn't be no movie


It wasn't the flight attendants fault for letting him on a plane with no ticket?


yeah that is true. This movie doesn't go all seriously. They let everything slide.


No, Kevin's parents are ultimately still to blame in this one. Yes, Kevin probably should've waited to mess with the batteries, but, come on, He's a KID. They don't always understand priorities like adults do. That's why kids are not held to the same standards as adults and have PARENTS to guide them. A 10 year old cannot reasonably be expected to be responsible for himself under those circumstances. Peter and Kate should've been keeping track of all their damn kids, period, especially their youngest. All Peter had to do was grab Kevin's arm and pull him along. You do not run through an airport to get on a plane and just assume all your kids are following you. Screw missing your flight, your children's safety is more important. Additionally, it was also Peter's fault the family was late (again!), otherwise none of it would've been an issue.


If he's old enough to use a credit card to rent a hotel room all to himself, trick hotel employees into giving him a room, and outsmart two buglers that are capable of killing him, then he's old enough to understand priorities!!!


Kevin is a witty clever kid, but his antics in response to his situations are not the result of him being particularly mature or responsible, as much as it is that ALL of the adults around him are complete MORONS. It's a running theme in John Hughes movies, because kids are the protagonists, so showing parents or other authority figures as inept or completely clueless adds to the humor. It goes without saying IRL, Kevin would never have been able to master his situations as shown in the film, but HA and HA 2 LINY, are shown from a kid's POV, so we have to suspend disbelief to appreciate the humor. My point being, while on the surface, it may appear Kevin is an exceptional kid who can handle anything that comes his way, it's not because he has some unique understanding of how to take care of himself, or understand priorties, it's that he's able to manipulate everyone around him in a way that lets him benefit from any predicament he gets into, because he lives in a world full of irresponsible, idiotic adults who don't know their heads from their a$$e$.


it urked me that putting batteries into a talkboy was the reason for him gettin on the wrong plane. i wish the director had him drop his bag and have it kicked around or something. something more realistic than stopping to put batteries into a talkboy. my only gripe!


he does all that because his imbecile parents have lost him. he has to survive somehow. they should not have let it happen in the first place.


I totally agree with this.


He was just to inpatient to wait until they got on the airplane to get the batteries as he wanted them right away. And so he went looking for them himself, and didn't hear Peter being told the door the gate is 817, and even Buzz asked Peter and he said 817 Buzz.


Nope. It was the dad's fault this time around. Unlike the first one, where a power outage caused their late departure, Peter unplugs the alarm and forgets to reset it. And if he were a more responsible parent, he would have ran behind the rest of the family instead of expecting his 9 year old son to catch up to him in a crowded airport. Kate would lead the group to the gate and Peter would take up the rear to make sure everyone got there.

"Simpsons did it! Simpsons did it!"


He's only 10 years old.

Plus it was mainly Buzz's fault.

Buzz pi$$ed him off at the choir and then kissed up to him at the McCallister hearing.

Plus Peter should have not let him have his bag to begin with.


Unfortunately, In the 2nd film, Buzz didn't have anything to do with Kevin being put on the wrong plane and getting separated from the family.

He's just the reason why Kevin had a fight with everyone at home and why he was sent once again to the third floor.


Ahh no! Total the parents fault! You keep an iron grip on your kids in a crowded airport (my 5 year old wears a safety harness). Especially after the last year where they left him behind he should have been the first kid on the plane!


no it isn't. his halfwitted parents should be keeping an eye on him. They're the grownups, he's the child. it is up to them to keep their son in order. they don't even notice he's not getting on the plane with them. They are stupid and neglgent beyond belief.


God made it all happen because Kevin needed to go back to the trenches and stop Marv and Harry for good
