This movie is so awful

I mean the magic and atmosphere the first movie had is completely gone in this movie and just feels like a redo of the same sh!t again. Kevin gets left, he runs wild, gets a dose of reality where he gets scared, gets chased by robbers, has a montage where he sets up traps, then in the end the family gathers together and Kevin has a happy Christmas with all his family.

Also what was up with Kevin's mom's hair? Why did she style her hair exactly like Conan O'Brian? That looked god awful. Also Marv literally being electrocuted while flashing his skeleton and still being alive was ridiculous and looked cartoony as fvck. They got hurt in the first movie but nothing was done to them that would have killed them like in this movie.

I'm sorry but i can't make it through this movie anymore, its like why not just watch the first movie instead? Its better, has a much more Christmas atmosphere to it, it doesn't feel like a rehash and Kevin's mom doesn't look like Conan O'Brian in it.

Thats what i love about these high school girls, i get older they stay the same age.


I have the opposite opinion; this one is better than the original and is one of my favourite Holliday movies. Sure, it's derivative, but that is what makes it so much fun. Everything feels familiar and Kevin's adventures and mishaps are bigger and better. To each his own, but calling this "awful" is a stretch.

Merry Christmas!

Murdoch: Climb, baby, climb!


Oh for crying out loud. It's not meant to be an Academy award winner. Why can't people just watch it for the silliness and good Christmas feeling it brings.


I love this movie. LOL at the Conan O'Brien comment though.


I love this movie and the first one... When Marv gets electrocuted and we see his skeleton it always makes me think of the Greatful Dead.


Yes! Touch Of Grey!


I think it's better than the first movie up until Kevin starts throwing bricks from the roof. But the scenes with Tim Curry and Rob Schneider in the Plaza Hotel are just as good as the Harry and Marv scenes from the first one.

But, yeah, the third act of the film just becomes so hateful. Harry and Marv graphically talk about killing Kevin; Kevin's traps are less slapstick and straight up dangerous, like he's actually trying to harm them instead of fending them off; and of course the rage of Kevin's family with the Plaza staff. The whole final 30 minutes of the movie is just too dark compared to the first movie, and the first 90 minutes of the second movie.

Votes: 3,622


You have a third eyebrow Mr. Randy

Hoo woo woo woo, do it hit hit, Gitter! Ooo ooo ott too OOO! Snuffer eet HOO doo!


I think awful is a bit too strong. There are some funny parts in there. But it is more over the top and way too much of a rehash of the first movie. It was not nearly as good as I remembered it being. I think I'll just watch Home Alone every year and watch this one once every 5 years or something.


It's okay but it's no where near as good as the first one. So much of it is contrived. It's kind of so bad that it points out how bad the first one can that it's contrived as well, I mean isn't Kevin lucky that Marv lost his shoes in the basement and then decided to go through the window with Christmas lights on the floor? See that's contrived. And the second one is worse with it.

Plus, the pigeon just gross. She had bird shit all over her. He had to be carrying disease.


if you ever had a women before youll know they always go through a phase where they chop off all their hair and try out these awful haircuts that you have to pretend look good. i think it has something to do with them all being Bi or penis envy but im not sure.


