Bird Lady

I love this sequel and just re-watched it tonight on Christmas. However, leaving the bird lady out in the cold (after she saved Kevin’s life) while his rich family enjoys a $10,000+ a night Plaza suite is so weird. He then goes out to give her the dove ornament instead of asking his parents for a few thousand dollars to help her get her life back on track. I’m a capitalist but even I think that’s gross in the context of the movie. Otherwise it was a sweet happy ending Kevin telling her that they are friends forever, although they should have suggested the family would be helping her out a bit.


But, she seemed OK?


Giving a Crazy Bird Lady a couple thousand dollars is a bad idea. It would be gone before the week was over and might be used for dangerous drugs, or even worse more bird food. Kevin gave her something to brighten her life up without a great deal of resale value. He did the right thing.


^^ Not to mention the bird lady is probably out there by choice.


Agree. She made it clear that she was happiest right where she was with her bird friends.


What makes you think she was a drug addict or only interested in purchasing bird food? Not all homeless people are drug addicts.

As she said in the movie she ‘trusted’ the person she loved, until they didnt love her anymore. She could of been mentally impaired in some way and thrown out by her partner and was just unable to get back on her feet after that. Its no surprise she only spent time with pigeons/lacked trust if the general view of her by society is that she deserved to be ignored. This is also one of the points that she makes to Kevin is that everyone is fighting to be heard, as no one likes being ignored- just like Kevin was within his family.


If they hadn't shown where the Pigeon Lady hang out or lives at, above Carnegie Hall, this may have been the case.

Kevin knew she had a warm place to stay and always had enough food to eat, so I guess he didn't need to invite her to stay at the Plaza with the family and likely wouldn't even want to take his cash if offered.


Only Kevin knew about her. There was no indication he told his family about her. No reason they should offer her any money.
