MovieChat Forums > Singles (1992) Discussion > Movie Sucked Then and Sucks even more no...

Movie Sucked Then and Sucks even more now.

Sorry, the movie was pointless. When it came out, I was 23 and had been following most of the bands far before the 'Seattle Scene' hit nationally...and I was a New Englander.

The movie just sucked. Crappy movie filled with vignettes with *beep* love stories and really no plot at all.

Ok, the name of the movie is Singles, I get that, but I think most expected more than the literal translation.

Camereon Crowe has released some great films, such as 'Almost Famous' and 'Fast Times', but this one just fell flat on its face.

It just seems so pretentious...'Here's a bunch of love stories and you're gonna love it because I set it to a cool backdrop and music'

I saw it when it first came out, and I saw it about a year ago.

Maybe I'll watch it in another 23 years.


The funny thing is I know I watched this movie about 20 years ago. But having just watched it again on TV last night, virtually none of it was familiar except for the car accident scene in which Kyra Sedgwick's character lost her baby. Having seen the movie again I can understand why I didn't remember much of it except for that one scene. It was pretty forgettable movie, but it was partly the lure of seeing the young Bridget Fonda of that era that sucked me into watching it again.


To me the music scene took a back seat, it was more a romance/drama that happened to be set in that scene, but for all it mattered the people in it were acting like they could have been into any other type of music. I feel like it really failed to capture the culture and people of that scene.

Sometimes a movie or tv show plot is so stupid that only the stupid can understand it.


So does your mom



Same, me and my friends were of the sort who had been into music since we hit puberty in the early 80s with punk and hardcore, so we were aware when bands like Tad and Mudhoney started to happen around '87/88. I remember my circle liking this movie when it came out, but to us it was super corny. Citizen Dick was like a Mad Magazine parody. We wouldn't have touched bands like Pearl Jam or Alice In Chains with a fucking 10 ft pole. But we did appropriate things like "sensitive ponytail man" and "he's the next Martin Scorseez" when it suited our purposes. I just re-watched it for the first time in decades expecting it to be a fun trip down memory lane, but I really didn't enjoy it much this time around.
