Awful piece of crap!

I like Rutger Hauer and think he's a hell of an actor reason why I wanted to watch this film for years and "sadly" I finally did. It was one of the worst movies I've ever seen, the only one thing that comes to mind talking about this movie is Stone walking around looking tough, you don't even get to see the creature until the last 15 minutes of the movie and a lot of stupid scenes were thrown at it just to fill in, like the girl screaming her heart out while taking a shower just cause the water got cold. Just plain stupid but oh well I've fallen for other flicks just like this one.

"I used to love her but I had to kill her"


Awfully AWESOME piece of crap.

The fact that you don't see the creature at all until an hour or so in is a big plus in my book.

Sad story. You got a smoke?



Then never watch Omega Doom. If you think this is bad, Omega Doom may actually physically harm you. I for one love Split Second. I think this is one of the most underrated action/horror movies from the early 90s.


all i have to say is this split second may be a piece of crap to that one person who said its a piece of crap, but in truth this movie is worth gold cause it is a fun action horror movie.





It is indeed horrible.
What is scarier than the movie and the monster is the time that you will not get back in your life, not to mention the brain cells it will kill.


Interesting, I like Rutger Hauer and found this to be one of his better movies.


Yeah, I gave it a 4. I'm not a fan of "so bad it's good", so yeah, pretty bad.
