MovieChat Forums > Split Second (1992) Discussion > Editing mistake or piece of deleted scen...

Editing mistake or piece of deleted scene?

I noticed something strange in one scene which i think could be a clue to some deleted scene.

At aproximately 1:08:40 mark, when Michelle is alone is Stone's place, monster shows up under the bed on which she sits. If you play this scene frame-by-frame or in slow-mo, right when its claws show up and she is about to shoot him you can notice that there is this very quick shot, just one frame actually, which looks like it's from another scene. It shows Stone walking inside the building but few seconds before and later both him and Durkin are outside the building in the street.

If anyone else noticed this, what you think this could be? Like the title says, i think it's either editing mistake or piece of deleted scene. If the rumours about re-editing and removal of some scenes to make the movie shorter are true, maybe this means that re-editing was done right before movie was to be released, which explains bad editing and continuity problems.


can be both mistake and/or part of deleted scene
some movies are being corrected on fast pace
hell some in past were done editing till last day before
shipping the reel into cinema
