Why split second?

I've seen this movie a hundred times and still I don't understand its title... Can anyone enlighten me?



Yeah, I know. When I first saw Split Second I thought this was just another forgettable action flick with a common crime theme or something. You do not get "futuristic alien monster film" from "Split Second".

I heard it's because things can go different direction in...well, a split second.

...which would make the title no less relevant for other movies as well, such as Die Hard, Under Siege, Blood Diamond, the Woodsman or Sound of Music.


I always thought it was because the demon was so fast it kills you in a split second. It was always mentioned how fast it was that all you really see of it is like a blur, until it actually kills you.


Yea you right Prbronx he was so fast it be a split sec and he already had killed someone and left his markings.


Total scam. They want us to think its about time travel.
