MovieChat Forums > Split Second (1992) Discussion > Good pics of the creature.

Good pics of the creature.

Does anyone know where I can find really good, clear images of the creature? (apart from pausing the DVD, of course)Or for that matter the cast in costume? I'm thinking of drawing a manga of the movie for my own amusement, and I need referance materials.

Of course, I'm half- tempted to redesign the beast anyway, make it more scorpion like. I haven't quite made my mind up.


I've only been able to find one good image of the thing, here: Look under S and Split Second is somewhere in there. I always thought those barbed steak knife fingers were badass...

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"


Cheers! That's exactly the kind of thing I've been looking for!


Sure, but where do you think that image came from? It almost looks like a miniature model of the thing.

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"


Hehe, always wondered how he/it was able to write "I'm back" on the mirror with those knife-fingers ;D


I recently thought of that. It probably rips out hearts with a violent forward-backward motion of the arm, grabbing the heart in the process. That could account for the quickness of its executions. After doing this to the first victim, er, maybe it used her hand to write it? That's what I think, at least

How it was able to deposit the icebox in the middle of the police station undetected is another story...

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"


I think the creature used it's elbow. :) Well using the heart of its victims would have been more practical. :)

Didnt the creature have the heart delivered to the station?How it managed to get someone to deliver it I dont know.

"I'm selfdestructive baby
But a friendly one" - Spiritual Beggars.


Holding the heart like a pen and using it to write with was my second guess, LOL

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"


Writing on the mirror with the heart as a pen, getting a courier to deliver the box to the police station.. this makes for some great extra features–deleted scenes :D


Whoever the creature got to deliver the icebox must've been paid well.

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"


Check this out...

Eat this baguette! EAT IT!


Nice pic... but anyone got pictures related to the movie? The above link ain't working anymore... (Not the link pineapples101 posted).

Thanks fellas

"Liberate Tutamet Ex Inferis"


Here... best image I've found. Shows you that the creature definitely looks better in the dark lighting....

You vote for pizza and a movie, they vote to rape you with switchblades. That's voting.


And now as a link: d.html

If you look close, you can see the Killer's glowing eyes behind the visor. And I'm calling it 'the Killer' because that's how it's identified in the movie's credits.


I guess things have changed since the above response was posted... doesn't look to have that anymore ^.^;;;


Yeah, I miss it. :C

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


My dad found some old production photos the other day - I've uploaded them to:
