MovieChat Forums > Under Siege (1992) Discussion > The Harpoon and the satellite relay

The Harpoon and the satellite relay

Ok --right after Stranix calls in his rant--- they shoot off a Harpoon missile from the Missouri. It takes only about 20 seconds for this missile to hit a satellite relay station ---presumably somewhere in Hawaii. Then later when they shoot off the Tomahawks it takes something like 20 minutes for the Tomahawks to even get close to Honolulu - ---what gives? The ship has to be 300 or 400 miles out ---how can a Harpoon travel 300 miles in 20 seconds?


I think since they just left Hawaii in the beginning of the movie that they were closer when they launched the harpoon?


The movie doesn't purport to be in real-time so I don't think its an 'inaccuracy' per se. The story obviously used one as a minor plot device that they wanted done quickly, the other was a major plot device and the time was of the essence.

What we could call in to question would be 'can the Harpoon being carried by Missouri strike a land target that far away?' Missouri would be carrying Block 1C missile or RGM84D. The RGM84D has/had a range of 75 miles. Not only that, this 'relay' would most likely be on a mountain therefore the early Harpoon most likely won't be able to navigate the terrain, and how it would pick out the target is beyond me. Modern versions of the Harpoon like the SLAM can attack land but not the version Missouri would have.

You're taking a dump and they call GQ do you pinch it off or finish your business?
