MovieChat Forums > White Men Can't Jump (1992) Discussion > Why does he even want to be with her?

Why does he even want to be with her?

I don't get why Billy actually wants to be with Gloria. She is obnoxious and annoying and I can't believe he actually wants to spend his time with her. Ugh, I can't believe her. Maybe its just Rosie Perez, but I cannot stand that character!! I love this movie and I love Woody Harrelson, I just don't see him bowing down to a woman like that. I mean seriously, I'm thirst but don't bring me water??? What a nut!!


Who understands love? It is totally common place to fall for another reason without having any reasonable explanation. Because, well, love isn't reasonable.
Or ... or maybe she is just THAT good in bed ;)


Look at her from the neck down. Sometimes, that's all us guys need.


Rosie looks good from top to bottom;^)

I'm the world's most interesting man. Stay thirsty my friends.


The "thirsty/water" bit was a lesson, a metaphor. Fulfillng an immediate need temporarily or fixing the real problem permanently. Look into it.

He was lucky to have her, and it has nothing to do with her body. She was the smartest character in that movie.


I disagree. I think Snipes was the smartest person in that movie. He also had the better street smarts.

"Listen to the woman"

He didn't do one dumb thing except get hustled by Brady Bunch in the beginning. He learned damned fast from that lesson.

The Constitution is not the People's "permission slip". It is our Government's "permission slip".


I think Gloria was spicy. I'd be with her. She was actually the only character I liked upon a 2nd viewing. I thought Harrelson was a *beep* and Snipes was generally annoying. He calmed down to the point i could tolerate him, but i never liked Billy. We are supposed to believe all will be ok after he just gambled the only good thing he had going for him away in his life.


The other dumb thing Sidney did was constantly putting off his wife's request to get her own job. When she asked him that she wanted to work he took it like she's stepping on his dick or something. Then they got robbed and if he had gotten a full time job instead of odd stuff and let her work they would of gotten out of the hood sooner.

I liked Gloria the most. But yeah, when she got pissed her latin attitude got on my nerves, then again, I wouldn't have gotten into that kind of stupid **** like Billy did. I don't blame her for being pissed but she had her annoying moments.

I thought it was a downer ending but Gloria WAS the smartest. She took the money and cut her ties because god knows Billy would still be doing the same stupid **** 10 years down the road and quite possibly dead from a bookie or something.

Still don't quite get why Billy didn't tell her that he got her on the show. Even if she didn't believe me, I would throw it out there just on principles so I don't think about it years later.

Finally. Gloria's strategy was to win a total $80 grand on Jeopordy then spend it on acting classes and try to get on tv or movies. In real life she probably would of blown it all and not made the cut and then would be back at the beginning where she was in this film. $80 grand would be a pretty good start to put away in the bank and just get a full time job and save like everybody else. Assuming you didn't care about acting of course.


I disagree.
Sidney refusing to let his woman work - this isn't about being dumb, more about pride and he was working hard for it. "if he had gotten a full time job instead of odd stuff and let her work they would of gotten out of the hood sooner." Really? I figured his "odd jobs" where tax free in-between works that he can do whenever he has the time for it. A regular full time job would put him on a schedule that doesn't allow to do other things like hustling (and in contrast to Billy he knew what he is doing and which bet to make). Do you really think flipping burgers would earn him more!?
I also thought they had more money than they claim. They always complained about the *beep* they live in and want to escape from, but when Billy confronts Sidney at home we have a look at their flat and it looked damn fine from the inside. They definately kept up quite a good living standard.

Gloria wasn't smart, she was delusional. What did she do to escape their situation? She fücking learned useless stuff to go to Jepardy ... you call that a smart thing? Why don't you recommend HER to do a regular full time job, eh? She got extremely lucky with her win, how big were the chances that "foods starting with Q" would be a topic? Heck, without Billy and Sidney's connections she would not have even made it into the show in the first place! She might be smarter on money, then again ... she wanted to spent the money on acting classes, right? To get roles in TV series or movies. Do you realize how many broke actors are out there and how few actually make it? And do you really think learning trivia is the right preparation for this? She should have taken a job within the industry instead.

Sidney was the smartest in every respect.


I dunno.. In the beginning she was criticizing him even though he won some money. Then you see her pour some vodka or whatever in a glass and downs it. Seems to me her "job" was sitting on her butt studying and being an alcoholic, making no money, I guess she makes on Jeopardy. In a real life situation it's like make some money while you study help support us there are people trying to "kill" us...


Not to mention it was her fault they owed the Stucci's money. Wasn't it a car she bought and didn't want to pay for? So Billy tried to help her out by fixing a game. Of course he screwed that up but only cause the guy said he couldn't score! lol


Gloria was in debt to mobsters over a car, and her plan was to sit around and drink while she nagged her boyfriend to fix her problems for her, which lead him into the seedy world of gambling & debts and nearly got them both killed. How was she a "smart" character? Why was he lucky to be with someone like that?

She was by far the most irrational & narcissistic character in the movie. Even the crazy guy that they hustle first has the heart to correct his path when he's half way through an armed robbery. She showed with her "thirsty/water" metaphor that she understood/believed that filling a need temporarily (drinking & telling herself her boyfriend would fix everything, then getting angry at him when he couldn't) was worse than fixing the real problem (paying off her debts and learning how to have a healthy relationship), but her actions didn't reflect her beliefs at all. She had no integrity to her own beliefs so there is no way to take her seriously, she was either delusional or extremely dishonest with herself. I thought it was represented perfectly in her last scene on the boardwalk. She is confronted with the choice to help the 2 people who got her out of her horrible situation and into a life of monetary security by getting her on Jeopardy, and she turns her back on them when she's finally in a position of power for the first time in the film. Even when Billy tries to appeal to her emotions she just puts on her walkman and roller-skates off into the sunset like an oblivious airhead, off to live with the fairies in crazy sociopath land forever. She was a cold, dark & horrific character, and if you can relate to her on any level I worry for you :O



All the characters in the movie are flawed from top to bottom.

One thing that irritates me about imdb boards it's the "looks like" topics. Never even close.


All the characters in the movie are flawed from top to bottom.

Exactly, which is one of the film's core messages on a character study level.


She was book smart, or at least had an ability to retain facts, and since Billy wasn't smart at all, he probably felt good to be with her. What other women would have him, with his gambling ways, and being so stupid with money? Not many.

If you're not responding to me, "reply" to the post you're responding to. kthanks.



"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"


Erm, they were running from the Stucci brothers because GLORIA was the one in debt! And what did she do to change the situation? Did she get a job or something? No, she did what she is good at: learning trivia. For the very very slim chance to get on Jeopardy and win. That was her plan. And you think she was good with money!?



I wrote more about this some posts above. If that's not enough, maybe ask a specific question and I can elaborate more.


She was a greedy airhead fruitcake, he was a gambling degenerate, so that's that.


Was he a gambler before he meet her or did the life she forced him into because of her actions and refusal to do anything about it mean he had to do whatever he could to sort the problem leading to a life of hustling and gambling.

All his problems were down to her and the first thing she did to help him was leave him.

Good luck finding another man that would put up with that level of crap from her.


Chemistry. Gloria was sexy and just as prone to making irrational decisions as Billy.(Not that he noticed. Her ability to memorize trivia & ambitiousness made him believe that she was really smart.) Neither of them was willing to settle into a regular 8-5 job and their shared problem with the Stucci brothers kept them bound together. So up to a point they suited each other.

I think Sydney should have told her that she only got on Jeopardy because of Billy. Gloria made back every dime Billy ever gambled away and more. She could have thanked him and given him a cut before breaking up with him.

Send lawyers,guns and money/The *beep* has hit the fan



I just watched it again today for my first time since it came out, I was a teenager when it was released and I remember liking it and did think Gloria was a bit annoying and weird. As I got older and dealt with women more and found that so many of them are crazy now watching this movie again she comes across as crazy now instead of weird lol so damn funny. The whole my mouth was dry thing as a test to connect to each other is about the dumbest way to connect I've ever heard of. I don't get why women do that stuff and not expect their man to completely think they are nuts. This time around I said to my self "Billy your better off" Lol
