MovieChat Forums > Beavis and Butt-Head (1993) Discussion > Anyone else think this is like Rik Mayal...

Anyone else think this is like Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson's act

I cannot believe no one has mentioned this before this show is basically the American version of Rik and Ade's 25 year long act.

For those of you that don't know them Rik and Ade are a very popular British comedy double act. They always play the same characters basically. Two sad ugly losers who live together and always go on about how they are going to score but never do and they always beat the absolute *beep* out of each other too.

If you are unfamiliar with their work check out the Young Ones which is about 4 students living together, its not quite as much like Beavis and Butthead though as there is four of them though their characters Rik and Vyvyen are very like crude predecessors to Beavis and Butthead in some ways, both virgins obsessed with scoring, violent to each other, stupid etc.

Bottom is the thing they have done that is most like Beavis and Butthead. In Bottom they play two guys called Edward Elizabeth Hitler (Edmondson) and Richard Richard (Mayall) who are perpetually unemployed. Eddie and Richie like Beavis and Butthead just sit around their dingy little flat on their sofa all day watching their television that is the most important thing in their lives there is even one where they lose their telly and go nuts just like in the Beavis and Butthead movie.

They also constantly try and get off with women all the time in the most crude and sleazy ways possible like finding a spray that they think makes them attractive to women, Richie having Eddie perform liposuction on him with a vacuum cleaner or clipping his nose hairs with a pair of Pliars both of which result in him being horribly injured. Its just like Beavis and Buttheads ridiculous plans to get off with women like getting beards which results in Beavis the dimmer of the two injuring Butthead badly. In both cases their plan's always fail badly. Eddie is like the Beavis he is the vastly more stupid of the two (though they are both as thick as pig *beep* he does have the more luck with women than Richie same way Beavis has more luck than Butthead, though again that isn't saying much in both cases.

Richie also beats Richie too like how Butthead beats Beavis. Richie will often slap, punch and kick Eddie when he says or does something stupid, however there are times when Eddie doesn't just take it and retaliates and whenever he does he thrashes Richie the same way Beavis always kicks Butthead in the nads and Butthead doesn't do anything. Though Eddie retaliates far more often than Beavis does, it is still a similar set up.

They also hate each other too and are only together just like Beavis and Butthead because no one else will have them. Eddie can't hold down a job so he needs to live in Richies house (where all the bills are paid by Richies auntie) and Richie is so ugly, perverted, sleazy, cruel, boring and just all around awful he needs Eddie to live there as he would have no friends otherwise. However despite this they still hate each other and just like Beavis and Butthead they don't care if one is in serious danger, pain or their life is at stake. In fact both Eddie and Richie die in many episodes just like Beavis and Butthead die in some episodes only to reappear completely unharmed the next episode.

Does anyone agree with me on this.


Please tell me that you're not implying that Mike Judge was inspired by Rik and Ade?! Please tell me that's not what you're saying. lol!

BTW, I love "Bottom."


Well I am sort of. I don't know if he would have had a chance to see it though the Young Ones was shown on MTV. Anyway I don't see what is so wrong with drawing a comparison between Beavis and Butthead and Rik and Ade anyway they are so very alike.


We are the "dangerous brothers".

Nah, nothing alike.

And so, God came forth and proclaimed widescreen is the best.
Sony 16:9
