
It's been well over a year. What's going on with this show??


There's no news that it was cancelled or coming back. It's so frustrating that they are not telling us anything!


Judge may have checked out. It is one of the greatest shows on tv, but he isn't paid or acclaimed enough. If he's gone though, he went on a high note. Maybe another anniversary will bring the boys back- and they won't change a bit!


I think the show has and will always be around in some form. Rather, the characters will, like in VMA's, Jackass films, and other Judge films. But new episodes? Nah. I am assuming they just.. stopped. There's really nowhere to go from here. The show wasn't very well-received and didn't get great ratings or anything, and seemed to pretty much be a non-starter except amongst nostalgic imdbuttheads, so yeah. I doubt it's coming back as conventional new episodes. Might as well just do the "internet show" thing. Or, hell, why not just go to Adult Swim or whatever?

Shuji Terayama forever.


there working on them.. good shows take time



The show wasn't very well-received

Well yes it was.
There were far more positive reviews than negative ones.

didn't get great ratings or anything

Depends on how you define "great".
Nothing on MTV get's "great" ratings. The show got more then reasonable ratings...for a show on MTV.

For me the problem was bringing it back to MTV as MTV is no longer the place it used to be when B&B were originally aired.

B&B should be brought back to something like Comedy Central.

And so, God came forth and proclaimed widescreen is the best.
Sony 16:9
