The test episode

The test episode wasnt that funny. I love beavis and butthead but the only time I laughed was when beavis misspelled his name. "Beafis" and when butthead leaned over to the guy in front of him "how do you spell butthead?"

I just felt bad for the guys in both of the episodes. They obviously cant read and todd and his friends are gonna kick their asses all night.

Beavis and butthead have learning disabilites. Thats not all that funny.


yeah, how did they get jobs at Burger World?


I never saw the test episode. Also was the drawing more distorted or different than normal since it was a test episode?

The scary clown doll is hiding under my bed.



number two pencil!


Which test episode? The Frog Baseball pilot or the one involving "The Roman God of Poop"?
