best looking mal e character

I would say kellerman, did u prefere kellerman long shag haircut, or his season 6 short hair cut.



Meldrick Lewis hands down.


I'm w/ you guys too - have always liked Lewis - he's VERY attractive!

On the flip side, Falsone has gotta be the least-attractive. Always reminded me of Fred Flintstone!

"Are you going to your grave with unlived lives in your veins?" ~ The Good Girl


John Seda (Falsone) is attractive. He was at his peak in "I Like It Like That". It's just that Falsone the character was such an unlikeable pr!ck, that's it's hard to give him props. That is too bad. :(


love me some clark johnson

"no roger, no rerun, no rent"


Hey, nice to see so many Clark Johnson fans. Yeah, I found the passive, but very witty Meldrick Lewis to be one hot SOB!



Well I guess everyone's said what needs to be said so I'll just put in my 2 c. Clark Johnson's character Meldrick Lewis is the best looking male character on this show. Oh boy those lips, haha. Anyday, everday, all day by a long shot. I imagine he has a hard time NOT being the best looking male in any production he's in, lol.


I was what, 14 when Homicide came out, and when I saw Lewis, I was like, I know that guy. Where did I see him. It would be maybe a few episodes later when it dawned on me. It was the Lord of Hell in Adventures in Babysitting!



meldrick and bayliss.



That had to be kind of odd! Guess I know where I'd be going. On another note, I don't think I've ever really seen that film.


Falsone and Lewis
And Bayliss


As a straight male I'm sbstaining from voting, but I'm surprised to see all the Meldrick love here! I would have figured we'd see a lot more Pembleton, because he's all intense, and Felton, because even if he's Daniel Baldwin, he's still a Baldwin.

Get on up.


Oh, Kellerman by a mile and a half. I preferred the longer hair myself, to answer the OP's question, but I'm fine with any old style he feels like rocking. Kellerman has a face that I could never get bored of looking at.

Surprised not to see more love for Bayliss, he would definitely take second place for me. Except when he shaved his head. Few people can make shaved heads look sexy, and Kyle Secor is not one of them.

Meldrick scores third, I totally understand what everyone is getting at there.

Felton is ok, in his way, I can't complain about that. Falsone is not actually bad looking, but he has a face that I'd like to punch, so no dice there.

The original cast may not have been a traditional 'sexy' bunch, but there was still plenty of good stuff to look at there, the network didn't need to go getting in a flap over it. I'd rather look at the season 1 cast than the season 7 cast, at least there's a much higher interest factor there (and as a straight gal, I'm not overly concerned by the 'hottness' of the lady cast members)...

"I say Holmes, shotgun if I'm not mistaken, which might make it...a murder."


MrBook_ As a straight male I'm sbstaining from voting, but I'm surprised to see all the Meldrick love here! I would have figured we'd see a lot more Pembleton, because he's all intense, and Felton, because even if he's Daniel Baldwin, he's still a Baldwin.

Andre Braugher was a damn good looking guy back in his heyday, but his character, Frank, well, was just too stiff to find attractive.

I originally had a big thing for Bayliss, but as time went on, I began to lean towards Meldrick. He just seems like the kind of guy that would be fun to be around. And out of all of them, he seemed to be the only one to survive homicide!

But I hated what they did to Bayliss. I wish he never stepped over the edge, and we got to see him maybe solving crimes as a guest star on L&O SVU or Criminal Intent (he would have been great here, since he liked to get inside the mind of the killer)




I'm a guy, but I gotta say Felton was the smooth talking, charmer of this show. Oozed cool and good looks.


I had a boyfriend that looked like Kellerman so it is kinda hard for me to find anyone who looks like that douchebag attractive but objectively, he is attractive (obviously since I dated his doppelganger) but in my opinion Baylis was the best looking...Lewis was pretty hot too.


Back in the day, I used to think there were three types of guys on Homicide: the hot guys, the borderline guys and the guys so ugly that Quasimodo and Quentin Tarantino had better chances of being voted sexiest man alive. Nowadays, however, I think all the guys on here are handsome or at least had the potential to be handsome (or were at some point in their life) except for John Munch. In particular:

Bayliss-those hazel eyes, that voice, that hair and his height (the tallest person on the show)
Lewis-his smile, his youthful looks even though Clark was 45 when the show ended, that smoldering stare and I used to adore the way he said "police" (Po-leese. Ha ha ha)
Falsone-his voice and those lips
Mike Giardello-didn't like him, but I love his bone structure and smile.

I'm surprised so many said Kellerman. I find him sort of funny-looking, but I agree about Felton. Can't beat those beautiful baby blues by a mile. As much as I love Andre Braugher, he didn't deserve to be named one of People's 50 most beautiful people.

Christian Bale is sacrilege. Do you see any Americans playing Bond?


I say mainly Bayliss, Falsone and Lewis, but I also agree with others who said Kellerman. At first I thought he was kind of wimpy-looking, but I gotta say he was very 90's cute.

Also, Braugher was named by People? Are we looking at the same guy here?

You laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh at you because you're all the same.


Yes. He was named back in '96, I believe, but remember, this is People Magazine we're talking about. They're also the same people who named Val Kilmer's ugly wife as one of their most beautiful.

Christian Bale is sacrilege. Do you see any Americans playing Bond?


That British chick was way hot.


Bayliss and Kellerman are tied for best looking male character pants, I meant "hands down." :)


Andre Braugher was hot in the first 4 seasons. Especially season 1! Yum! My favorites were Bayliss and Lewis though. I wanted to climb Bayliss like a tree, and Lewis is just sooo cool. That Baldwin looked too sweaty all the time.



I think the best looking male character was me. Of course I am biased and was dead so I looked a little blue.



Kellerman. No competition there.


I always liked Munch, Danvers, Giardello and Brodie. Falsone looked creepy to me and Bolander reminded me of an egg when I was a kid and first saw the show. Pembleton, Meldrick, Bayliss, Kellerman are runners up for me.
Canada, eh? 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 :)

"The 21st century is all flash but no substance." ~ Smog City
