Crosetti and Bolander

Just re-watching the series (third or fourth time), and I've decided that I think Crosetti's character and Polito's performance were just superior to Ned Beatty's Bolander. Crosetti just felt fully formed, whereas Bolander, he just didnt really give anything to the show...he's just a beige spot on the office wall for Munch to bounce off of...


It was definitely easier to like Crosetti than Bolander, he was a more interesting character.


Gharty later on felt a little to me like Bolander. A soon-to-be retired cop, heavy on stereotypes, etc.

Personally I thought they were both interesting in their own way. I liked Bolander, and Gharty along with Ballard were the better of the late additions to the main cast.

But the 'big man' calls were rapt. Really, what else was there to say about him. He largely hid his emotions.


To me, Beattys character seemed forced where as Politos seemed more natural.



Indeed, I also liked Bolander's interactions with Gee as well. I felt that Bolander was really the only detective who could go mano a mano with Gaffney.
