MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993) Discussion > Come on, let's GET THIS BOARD ACTIVE!!

Come on, let's GET THIS BOARD ACTIVE!!

I'm fed up of talking about DS9 on the TNG board simply because this board is so relatively quiet, and being told to bugger off by diehard fans of TNG. So let's post here more often! 

Why are you here if you haven't seen the movie yet?


man it is a 15 year old show. I'm surprised it is as active as it is.


... and being told to bugger off by diehard fans of TNG.

You mean they haven't evolved to a more enlightened consciousness?


I'm fed up of talking about DS9 on the TNG board simply because this board is so relatively quiet, and being told to bugger off by diehard fans of TNG.

Yeah, those Nexties are a temperamental lot. But I agree - it would be nice to see more activity on this board. There are more than 16,000 posts on the TNG board, and only around 1200 posts on the DS9 board. The TOS board has around 9300 posts.

I remember there was more activity on the DS9 board a few years back, but it's mostly fallen off.




I find it fun to annoy TNG fans. Like pointing out DS9 is Bryan Fuller's favourite spin-off.


If you like to annoy TNG fans, then you gotta know CJ. He is a total fanboy and when you mock TNG, his head is ready to implode.

Spenser with an "S", like the poet.


I know of CJ, unfortunately.


Aren't there like a dozen CJs at any given time?


I have them on ignore. But the minions of CJ are like Medusa, when you cut off one of the snake head, two grow back. The 1st 9 years I never ignored anybody, in last year I got over 20 on ignore. Yes, that are all CJ related.

Spenser with an "S", like the poet.


If you think this is slow check out the Trekkers Only! board. For the record even though TNG is my favorite I love talking about all things related to Star Trek anytime, and anywhere.

"Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." -- J. Robert Oppenheimer


I agree. Its a tie for me between TNG and Voyager for best, but I love them all. How can you be a fan and not like them all? Its like hating or ignoring your own arm. Each series has amazing episodes and characters.


When I was lurking on the TNG boards, DS9 threads used to aggravate me. But that was because I hadn't seen DS9, and therefore couldn't follow any of those convos.


One of the problems with DS9/V'ger/ENT is that it doesn't get any airplay in cable like BBCamerica which has played TNG [and now TOS] to the point where your eyes and ears bleed... at least the 'other three' [and TAS] are playing over the air for free on H&I


Okay. Here is a question to all DS9 fans. What is your opinion of the episode Our Man Bashir, or as I like to call it, James Bond: The Star Trek version?

Laugh while you can, Monkey Boy!


I really enjoyed it. I haven't watched seasons 3-7 in a few years, so I have forgot about many of them. But this one I do remember and it brings a smile to my face.

Spenser with an "S", like the poet.


It's a fun episode that reminds me of the hype for Goldeneye and Pierce Brosnan at that time when James Bond was making a come back in 1995 after a 6 year hiatus. Looking back on it I wished they would've ended the James Bond series in 1985 when Roger Moore retired.


Daniel Craig is a solid James Bond. He's no Sean Connery of course, but then again, nobody is.

Spenser with an "S", like the poet.


Dr Henry Jones Sr, is! Or was, whichever.


What? I don't get the esoteric meaning? Remember, I'm over 50 and don't have to be cool anymore.

Spenser with an "S", like the poet.


Sean Connery was Dr Henry Jones, Sr, in "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade."


Oh wow! I totally forgot about that. I haven't seen that movie in years. Sorry Kerry, I must have been suffering from vapor lock.

Spenser with an "S", like the poet.
