Put me off animated Batman films.

Lots of people talk about this film as if it is the best animated Batman film out there.

I checked it out recently and I was really disappointed. I didn't really like it at all.

Since this one is hailed as the best one and I didn't like it, does that mean I won't like the other animated films, or are the styles different enough that I am more likely to enjoy other animated Batman films as they are very different to this one?

Many thanks for any help from you guys.



First of all why did you not like it? Because that's not a common opinion you hear much.

The other animated movies are all different. None of them feel the same or have the same kind of stories. Odds are you'll like some of the others.


It just means you have lousy taste.


Taste is subjective, spunk for brains.


I'm exactly the same but I liked most batman animations. Only ones I really disliked was this (I don't get the hype) and Gotham Knight.
