Conflicts With The Series

I know of only one, but there could be more. In the episode "The Mechanic" we learn that an ex-convict named Earl (voiced by Paul Winfield) was the designer and builder of the batmobile. In this film, we see Bruce getting an idea as he looks at a futuristic car at the expo or whatever it was. It's sort of an homage to the Ford Futura which was the real car that was made into the '66 series batmobile.

Anyway, if anyone knows of any more conflicts, let's hear them.

We are the Borg.Irrelevance is irrelevant.



Is sarcasm absolutely necessary? If you disagree with me, fine. That's what these boards are for: discussion. Can't we do it in a civil manner?

My reason for seeing this as a (admitedly small) conflict is as follows:

In the episode, there is a flashback showing Batman pulling up in a totally battle-ravaged conventional car and telling Earl he needs him to build a car. In MOTP, Bruce saw the display car when he was still making himself into Batman. With the money and resources at his disposal, one would think he could have had a car like he needed built. Perhaps he was concerned about someone at Wayne Enterprises getting suspicious.

We are the Borg.Irrelevance is irrelevant.



I can't decide if you're being a troll or if you really believe what you type. If there is truly no conflict concerning the creation of the Batmobile, then support ypur position as I did in my two previous posts. Or, answer this question:

If Bruce already had an idea for the Batmobile, why did he use conventional cars in the early days? There are thousands of mechanics as talented as Earl who could have done just as fine a job long before he met Earl.

I've conceded that this is a small conflict. Can you not do the same and admit that things don't exactly jibe prefectly concerning the history of the animated Batmobile?

"Sheldon, if you say ONE WORD, I swear to God you'll choke to death on my fist!!"


That's not a conflict.

Bruce used those early cars because he didn't have the batmobile right away.

Bruce got the idea for a specialized car from the expo, but it was Earl who designed the complete look of it as well as how to incorporate all the various gadgets and gimmicks Bruce wanted.

There are thousands of mechanics as talented as Earl who could have done just as fine a job long before he met Earl.

Bruce didn't just want any old mechanic. He wanted someone he felt he could trust. Earl was it.

See? No conflict at all.

Can't stop the signal.


I don't really think of it as a conflict personally, and others have already posted many reasons why.

Considering this movie was made by the same studio that was making the series, I think that's why this movie fits in so well within the rest of the series without feeling like a movie adaptation going off on its own.

Can't be too careful with all those weirdos running around.
