In my opinion this is....

The best Batman movie! animated or live-action. Now don't get me wrong, I love Tim Burton's "Batman" & "Batman Returns" I grew up watching those movies & I think they're hugely entertaining well made films. And of course I also like "Batman Begins" and "The Dark Knight." with the latter being a very VERY close second in terms of it being the best batman film, again this is all in my opinion and I know some of you will disagree.

I just feel that "Mask Of The Phantasm" still has a better plot, more depth (the scene where a tearful Bruce is pleading on his kness at his parents' grave to be released from his vow so he can be happy is one of my favorite scenes in any movie.), The film also has better character devolpment & more exciting action sequences then any of the live-action bat-flicks. The voice acting is top-notch and the animation is stylish and crisp. All of these elements help this film to stand head & shoulders above the pack.



I'm glad others agree! One thing that amazes me is that it's entertaining to a little kid who just sees Batman as a cool super hero (I.E. myself when I first saw this when I was about 4) but it's also really entertaining to someone who just loves the character and universe of Batman ( The series is also amazing, but this movie is something truly special to this franchise.


I believe this encapsulates all our opinions on this thread :D

You know a movie is a success when you rewatch it years later and are still able to find something truly inspiring.

The two best Batman movies ever made? Mask of the Phantasm and The Dark Knight. I love Batman Returns as well, but it comes to me as a third. Batman is just so much more profoundly explored in MotP.



Im watchin it right now for about the millionth time!! This is hands down the best batman flick!!




It's second best only to Dark Knight (BEST MOVIE EVER!)

"You gotta be Fking kidding"-The Thing.


I think this is the definitive version of Batman we’ll ever get on screen. I love everything else but I revere this classic! Serves as a good compliment to the series as well!



Well, Holy Guacamole, I'm glad I'm in agreement with the majority on this. It's a great story, great animation, great dialogue, gritty action sequences, and the Joker hits a lady with a slab o' bologna! What more could a Batman fan ask for? Loved it in the theater. Love it to this day.


Was this the influence for the less than awesome Gotham After Midnight series?


hell yeah it is...i remember seeing it in theater and loving it...


I probably saw this movie before I was ten years old (memories a bit fuzzy), and it always stuck in my mind. I haven't seen it for many years. I was never sure why it held a special place in my brain until I came here and had my memory refreshed of just what kind of a deep and even gritty movie it was. I now realize that I must have this film on DVD immediately.

This movie defines how I think Batman should be portrayed: a dark hero, bent on vengeance. It shows that, even though he's a crime fighting superhero, he's still human and he still has some serious issues. Great film, I agree.



I came here to post the same thing. I loved the last film (The Dark Knight) but i do think Mask of the Phantasm is the best batman movie to be released to theaters(or DTV), and I like Batman Beyond:Return of the Joker more than i do TDK, but I can admit I think TDK is a better film.


i think it's one of the best batman movies, but not THE best. '89 batman and the nolan films are the other ones, but i think phantasm has a drastically different feel than any of the live action films. i can't really choose which one i think is the greater of the four, but up until batman begins, this was, by far, the best one since the '89 movie.


I agree with the OP. This is the best Batman movie ever.


I agree. It's my favorite Batman movie and I'm sad to say the most underrated! I think here's why I love it so much:

1) It's the most moving Batman movie in my opinion. Bruce was tempted out of being Batman, and actually gave up his crusade. Turns out he got burned not once, but twice! He broke the vow he made to his parents and came back with his tail between his legs. It really says a lot about his never ending (and plain impossible) crusade against crime.

2) No reliance on Bat-gadgets or action. There are barely any epic display of martial arts, bat gadgets and even the Batmobile and the Batwing only have a cameo in the movie. If you pay attention to any Bat-film, there will always be a debut of some sort of Bat-gizmo, new vehicles or suits. This movie has none, and I think it says a lot on the writers really trying to keep the plot focused, and in retrospect that's an amazing achievement.

3) Best score. Despite having bad films, Batman never had a bad score. Everyone did an amazing job (Danny Elfman, Elliot Goldenhall, Hans Zimmer) but Shirley Walker really outdid everyone here. Listen to the expanded soundtrack and you'll realize that there are various themes and subtleties. I really love Elfman & Zimmer, but the late Shirley Walker was the definitive Batman composer in my opinion.


Yes, I completely agree. This is the best Batsy movie ever. I couldn't ask for anything more in a Batman movie. It's short (yes, this is not a con!), it's animated, it's stylish, it's dark, it's bloody, it's emotionally charged, it's (somewhat, for a superhero-flick) realistic, it's got the best (and the darkest) main theme (and overall score) and it's got the best Vader-lookalike villain ever. "The angel of death awaits you." Imagine seeing that fog-wearing bastard and hearing that line with the very same tone... just before you die. And, underneath this horrifying costume, you've got the best animated chick ever. My blood is freezing.

"Strike me down with all of your hatred and your journey towards the dark side will be complete!"
