MovieChat Forums > Bound by Honor (1993) Discussion > Two things that dont make sense...

Two things that dont make sense...

1. Miklo's mom having a kid with that old white guy. lol

and second... The timing is wrong. Smokey throws the grenade into cheap times, and according to the dialogue is killed the very next day. That woulnd have been possible.

I <3 Emily Blunt


1. Why not? What do you think happened when the Europeans came over?

2. Why not?

Can't stop the signal.



I have no problem believing a mexican chick having a kid with a white guy, the actor they chose just didnt seem like a guy a chicana chola from east la would get with.

Yes. It does seem like that. However...The flashback is from the perspective of an angry Miklo. Knowing Miklo's character, he is a person who always feels like the victim. He never tells Paco something like, "I shouldn't have listened to you when were kids". No, everything was somebody else's fault. He is a guy who ordered the killing of his own "father" Montana, yet had the nerve to be pissed about Paco shooting his leg to stop him from murdering innocent bystanders.

That being said, look at the context. They were on a construction site, $1500 was on the line ($8600 in today's money) and Milko obviously wasn't doing his job properly. Maybe his dad was just, I don't know...pissed off? Maybe it was Miklo's last straw. Milko seemed like someone who got in trouble throughout his youth. Everyone gets pissed now and again.


they knew because Smokey posted it on his Facebook page.

"Orale, if you were thinking of going to Cheap Times tonite, forget about it carnal.....I tossed a couple coconuts in there for the monkeys from Quenton"

"You do that bah you better do it right. BAAAAAAHHHHHH"




