the car lock test

I was giving this a lot of thought and it really is a great way to test how caring/ selfish someone may be. Unfortunately, it doesn't work in today's day and age of remote control locking/ unlocking lol


I loved that scene, and found it did work. I was in a foreign country and my 'date' wasn't use to electric windows. I let her in and as I walked to the driver's side she tried to unlock the car, but was unable to - she also turned out to be a keeper.

I also loved Sonny's comments about great women coming around like great fighters - every ten years. Then he tells C I had my three great women at 17 or 18.

All of Sonny's advice was on the button. I especially identified with the part where C's trying to confront the borrower and Sonny said you got off cheap, for $10 you never have to see him again.


glad to hear that, lately it seems like a lot of girls seem to show a familiar pattern of self absorption (not selfishness, mind you, but its like they're in their own little world where rules are different) and again I could be way off, its just the way the situation appears. That way, when I meet chicks that are actually cool, I am blown off my feet. Its a pity cuz it should be the other way around. We should see cool girls and be like "yeah, she's cool" and actually be surprised when we run into unpleasant girls. But that's not the way it works unfortunately.


He did have some good advise, true! I've had people that I can't stand disappear after they failed to pay back like $20.00, it's really the easiest way to lose friends. His bit about Mickey Mantel (I think) not giving a sh*t about him also rings true. I have nothing against supporting your home team, but we have people around here that drift into D-Bag territory about it.



Probably my favorite scene in the movie!!


My favorite scene in the movie without question is when Sunny locks the bar door from the inside and turns to the bikers with the words, "Now youse guys can't leave."


I've done it to every girl I've ever dated. Some pass, some fail. Some that fail end up being great girlfriends, some that pass have truly turned out to be...well you get the point. But I still do the door test. If for no other reason than it's a fun barometer. The best is when I throw in the movie on a rainy Sunday and when they hear Sonny describe it, its' hilarious to see their faces go from shock to fear as they try to figure out if they passed. They always have that "A-HA!" moment too because I always let them in the car and because every one has remarked how gentlemanly they find it, the scene stands out to them. And if they get mad, you can always ease the tension by saying you respect them way to much to do the Crazy Mario Test.



No I guess it doesn't.
I think it is a real neat trick though.

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down and a Wagging Finger of Shame
