MovieChat Forums > A Bronx Tale (1993) Discussion > music playing during the molotov cocktai...

music playing during the molotov cocktail scene

So what I don't understand is Calogero's friends are listening to Jimi Hendrix "all along the watchtower" but throughout the movie they are prejudice towards black people. If they really hated/disliked black people, wouldn't they not associate with a black musician? Maybe it's supposed to indicate the 60's and that Jimi's music was hip at that time. And that most teenagers would listen to Jimi's music regardless of race. Or maybe i'm just overanalyzing the scene and the music choice, but to me those kids came across as hypocrites who were very confused.


I've always made note of this too


I don't think the music is playing in the car.

It's just background music. Just like Darth Vader isn't actually listening to the Imperial Death March.


The music IS playing in the car. It shows you these kids don't really believe in their racist views, they are just acting out because that is how they see their parents acting and their neighborhood too. So they are just following along. If you remember in the beginning when they are kids, Slick talks about how he hates blacks. And the only reason he gives is because his dad was telling him about blacks going into the neighborhoods and "that's how things start". So Slick is just acting out how he sees appropriate given the neighborhood he lives in. Shows you how ignorant his friends were that they were talking all movie long how they hate blacks but then they are blasting Jimi Hendrix in their car.


It's just background music. Just like Darth Vader isn't actually listening to the Imperial Death March.

AND YET James Bond knew his own theme in OCTOPUSSY when VJ played it

See some stars here


Pretty sure it's to highlight the irony of the situation.



The car was stolen


a brilliant take/follow-up on your question from 'do the right thing' ... anybody can justify just about anything in their own mind. logic doesn't need to be present.


I think this was pretty true to life.. Racists like the EDL and BNP and Britain First still support football teams which are made up of black players.. They can ignore the fact that these people aren't white when they're doing something they like..


If I'm not mistaken they were listening to Aaron Neville "tell it like it is" too at their hang out spot. And it wasn't just background music, it was playing on the jukebox. I've Seen a lot of movies based in the 60's where the white teens dance and listen to music by black artists. I've always thought they were hypocrites but can't blame them, that music was poppin'.


When they're younger they listen (and sing along) to "Don't You Just Know It?" by Huey Smith as they steal fruit from Phil the Peddler's cart. Then in the next scene with them, they chase down a black teenager calling him a n****r.
