MovieChat Forums > A Bronx Tale (1993) Discussion > Did De Niro add the black girlfriend?

Did De Niro add the black girlfriend?

Was she in Palminteri's original play or is it De Niro's idea? (given his penchant for black women)

Also I've read this is autobiographical, but it's not really a true story, is it? I wouldn't have thought so because the storyline is a bit too neatly wrapped up (C saves Sonny, Sonny later saves C, Sonny is killed by the son of the man he killed, but had that incident never happened, C wouldn't have become friends with Sonny and would have ended up burning to death in that car with his friends...)


Are you honestly that lazy to not look up her name?


Jane is based off of a Black girl that Palemaeri (can't spell his name sorry) dated when he was younger. Yes, I know surprising since Robert Deniro likes black women too.

"Hello, Sweetie..."


In case you hadn't noticed, interracial dating has been happening for a long time.


Thank you. Some people think it is some odd thing in this world. I am beginning to really dislike IMDB comment boards.


another ignorant idiot, don't have to look hard to see where OP's race obsessed mind is really at


When the movie came out Palminteir said DeNiro added it, that it never happened but DeNiro changed some things. In his original one man play there was not interracial relationship. Now Palmentieri goes along and says it is mostly true.
