MovieChat Forums > Cliffhanger (1993) Discussion > Way too grimly violent

Way too grimly violent

This movie is sold and made as a sort of PG adventure flick, but has R-rated, almost X-rated violence that I find gratuitous and revolting. Do I really need to see some old guy shot from behind with his blodd spurting out the front center screen? I guess that's supposed to make me hate the villain more. Gross, and also stupid at the same time. Could've been a far better film with not that much editing work. Whoever accepted the final edit is responsible for this atrocity. Wouldn't recommend someone under 13 seeing it, but what else is new in our society.


The killing of Frank was incredibly mean-spirited. If you recall, Renny Harlin had the sweet old man in Die Hard 2 mercilessly executed in the church too. I'm assuming the director is setting the tone by letting the audience know just how utterly ruthless the "baddies" are, unless, of course, he simply likes to portray extreme violence in its true form - unjust and devastating.



The violence was hugely edited down to get an R-rating. I actually miss this kind of realistic splatter and brutality in action films. The PG-13 pussification of action cinema has been atrocious. Action classics like Cliffhanger had the responsibility and balls to show the grim consequences of violence, and let you know they weren't pulling any punches.

Wouldn't recommend someone under 13 seeing it

Neither does the MPAA, which is why it's rated R instead of PG-13.


I actually miss this kind of realistic splatter and brutality in action films.

YES!!!!!!! I could not agree more, Drooch!! This is what I enjoy most about watching "classic" action movies like Cliffhanger. They didn't pull any punches, they showed the brutality of killing which IMHO, improves these types of films immensely. When shooting is done off screen, or with those "dust poofs", it de-sensitizes the violence to a point in which it's actually ok. In a film like Cliffhanger, you get to see the violence and it's in your face. And that's what makes the sakes so much higher.

I still enjoy pg-13 action films as some can still be well done and violent enough depending on the premise/story, but I prefer R Rated. I want bad language and blood and guts!!!! That is the kind of world I see "baddies' in so IMO, it makes them more realistic.(even if they can be over the top)

Oh I travel, a sort of licenced troubleshooter.


I never dwelt on the gore quotient. The performances, direction and setting all were stellar.


The performances, direction and setting all were stellar.

Totally agree, especially the setting! Amazing atmosphere and envirmoment for an action flick!

Oh I travel, a sort of licenced troubleshooter.


by Drooch

The violence was hugely edited down to get an R-rating. I actually miss this kind of realistic splatter and brutality in action films. The PG-13 pussification of action cinema has been atrocious. Action classics like Cliffhanger had the responsibility and balls to show the grim consequences of violence, and let you know they weren't pulling any punches.

Yep! Here, violence is, well, violent. Moreso than other tamed films, Cliffhanger (and Mr. Harlin's works in general) shows just how much violence is a force to be avoided .

It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing .


Sold and made as "Sort of PG"? What kind of PC-bullcrap is this? Reminds me of the horrified woman who went to see "Drive" because she wanted to see a fast and furious type of kiddie "action" film and then tried to sue the studio. Cliffhanger was clearly rated R. Not PG, not PG-13, but R.

In my country there's this nickname that's used when necessary: "kukkahattutäti".. it means "Flower-hat auntie". It's used for people who constantly cry over stuff they find "insulting", "inappropriate" or "politically incorrect". A pyssyfied "man" can also be a kukkahattutäti. It's a quite serious condition. As a cure I recommend a heavy dose of real balls to the wall action movies. For example: John Woos "The Killer", "Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning", "Hard Target", "Crank", "The Raid" and "Born American" by Harlin.


OP's a sissy.


The movie can't be that gory! It's got a "U" rating in France.


Believe it or not... the Workprint is waaaay more violent!

Do it Doug!!!!


The violence was terrible. I went on the board to see if anyone agreed. Went way too far out of its way.


hmmm i really didnt think it was thaaat violent?
