Beldar's french.

Does anyone know if the French conversation between Beldar, Gorman and Primat was actual French or gibberish? I know more times then not, movie makers use languages very sloppy (most of the "Russian" in Hunt for Red October is either poorly translated using English syntax, or just nonsense that sounds like Russian), but Ackroyd has shown that he can pull off a foreign language fairly well. In Spies Like Us, his Russian is not only pretty accurate, but his pronounciation isn't bad either. If it is French, what are they saying?


It was French.


Loose french transslation. Beldar said it's hard to speak french since moving to the states. The agent asks the wife if she does and she says yes, she keeps in touch with friends by telephone.


Actually, she says "avec mes amis francophone" which says that she stays in touch with her french speaking friends, because speaking french, I am a francophone. So, yea, a francophone=french speaker.


His French sounded Canadian-French.


yea..of course he's so good at french...he's canadian...maybe he pulled off french from time to time...enen if he's english speaking


I have a realitive in the business world and they have found out that up in Canada they speak both English and French. So Beldar's French is a natural thing because Dan was born in Canada and it is required by Canadian law that people know French and English since all companies that sell items in Canada have to have labels that one side is in French and the other side is in English.


I have a realitive in the business world and they have found out that up in Canada they speak both English and French. So Beldar's French is a natural thing because Dan was born in Canada and it is required by Canadian law that people know French and English since all companies that sell items in Canada have to have labels that one side is in French and the other side is in English.

minerals, you don't know what you're talking about.

Canada is officially bilingual which means that any and all government services must be provided in both English and French should need be. This doesn't mean that everybody speaks both languages, in fact the actual number is close to 18%. The majority of these people live in New Brunswick, Quebec and nothern Ontario.

It's been a long time since I actually saw this movie and from what I remember of it his accent wasn't very convincing. It sounded more Acadian than anything else in that he had an English accent when he spoke.

So please, stick to topics you actually know.


hi. i just love this movie,especially the script! does anyone know where i can get the script of this?

oh, and i'm on a bit of tight budget, and i's looking for something to the tune of "free" hehehe.

btw, i have this quirky habit of memorizing lines in movies, and this french bit and another line with "my cone will shrivel and i will die, miserable and lonely, the stench will be great" will make prime lots in my memory bank of movie lines. hee hee..

thanks to anyone who will reply to this! i really need the info!



"Et vous le parlez encore ici en Amérique?
-Oui, absolument. Mais c'est difficile à pratiquer dans cette ville. Il n'y a pas beaucoup de français continental à New Jersey.
-Et vous aussi?
-Oui! J'en parle souvent avec mes amis francophones!
-Mangez-vous des cuisses de grenouilles?
-Oui, de temps en temps.
-Euh, il y a un restaurant. Connaissez-vous le restaurant "Le Grenier"?"

This is what is being said in French in the sequence.
Errors would be:
-"français continentaux" instead of "continental";
-"je le parle souvent" or "je parle souvent français" instead of "j'en parle souvent avec mes amis francophones (unless she speaks about the fact thet it is hard to speak it then it's okay).

That's about all I can see as "wrong".


"And you still talk here in America?
-Yes absolutely. But it is difficult to practice in this town. There are not many continental French in New Jersey.
-And you too?
-Yes! I often talk with my francophone friends!
-Eat You frog legs?[You eat frog legs?]
-Yes from time to time.
Uh, there's a restaurant. Do you know the restaurant "Le Grenier"? "

This is what is being said in French in the sequence.
Errors would be:
- "mainland French" INSTEAD of "continental";
- "I often speak" or "I often speak French" INSTEAD of "I often talk with my francophone friends(unless she speaks about the fact that it is hard to speak it then it's okay).



"Et vous le parlez encore ici en Amérique?
-Oui, absolument. Mais c'est difficile à pratiquer dans cette ville. Il n'y a pas beaucoup de français continental à New Jersey.
-Et vous aussi?
-Oui! J'en parle souvent avec mes amis francophones!
-Mangez-vous des cuisses de grenouilles?
-Oui, de temps en temps.
-Euh, il y a un restaurant. Connaissez-vous le restaurant "Le Grenier"?"

This is what is being said in French in the sequence.
Errors would be:
-"français continentaux" instead of "continental";
-"je le parle souvent" or "je parle souvent français" instead of "j'en parle souvent avec mes amis francophones (unless she speaks about the fact thet it is hard to speak it then it's okay).

That's about all I can see as "wrong".

