MovieChat Forums > Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story (1993) Discussion > Great movie. Up to 7.0 now! Deserves h...

Great movie. Up to 7.0 now! Deserves higher.

The rating is rising as more people discover this film and it's well deserved.

I've always liked this film and feel it's a great movie that does justice to the person of Bruce Lee and Asian-Americans in general. People have no idea the racism experienced by Asian immigrants and Asian-Americans in America from the 1800's through the 1980's. Yet all Bruce Lee wanted to do was become successful in life, reach his full potential, and share Chinese culture with non-Chinese Americans. That is, all Americans. He didn't care what ethnicity a person was and he ultimately had friends and admirers of all ethnicities. Such a beautiful man.

Just because it's a drama based on the man's life and not a precise scene-by-scene biography doesn't mean it's not a great movie.

The choices made by the writer and director enhanced the narrative and the viewing experience.

Highly recommended.


I've always been very fond of this movie, not solely through my affection and appreciation of Bruce Lee, but of good movie-making that tells a story with a rich narrative, believable characters whom we can champion and an element empathy and understanding of its subject matter. I've said this elsewhere, but so many biopics like to shatter myths and legends in ways that forget the central defining factor of this very movie -- embracing how somebody lived. And if the fantasy element and creative license of the screenplay doesn't tell th story of Lee's life as a matter of fact and biographical accuracy, few biopics do. Especially the best of them. But the tone and mood of this film is true to Bruce Lee as both a man and the legend. And Randy Edelman's brilliant score is so criminally unheralded. It's a highlight of the movie and lest I forget, Jason Scott Lee is terrific here.




I don't know why people get their panties all riled up about how fictionalized this is.

There was a lot of BS in this movie, hands down.

But this was good story telling.

And to those who say, "His life was interesting enough that they [producers] did not need to embellish," that's not entirely true either!

If you ever wrote a movie script (whether in college or for real), it's a difficult process trying to translate something that will go into screen. Whether you're trying to create something new or the script is based on existing work (someone's life, a hit novel, etc.), you have to do tweaks, no exception.

Overboard? Sure.

But if look past the embellishments, it's good story telling.


Definitely captures the essence of the man. I think Bruce would have liked it. I know his wife did.



Some of the best martial arts and fight scenes in any movie? Give me a break, dude. The fight scenes were good, at best, but I've seen far better fight scenes in movies with a much lower budget.

Bad grammar makes you look very stupid



Although I like the movie, I wouldnt consider it great.

Bad grammar makes you look very stupid


I saw it years ago and didn't like it then, but on a rewatch now I appreciated it more. Like another poster said, its not really a biography, but rather a film about the spirit and essence of Bruce Lee's life and in that regard its a great film.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


But what do you all, Siskel and Eberts of the world want ????????????

I believe people "say" that they loved this man for who he was and what he stood for.

"REALITY" is, I believe tons of people were jealous of him then and still are now. If they were not, they wouldn't let the score of this movie be less then an 8, now would they ?

But nooooooooo, Jack Nicholson said it best - You know.
