Beautiful Movie

I know most of it is fiction, but it is a great movie. I like that they ended it on a positive note, with him saying to Linda, "I love you", to which she says something like, "You've never actually said that before," and he smiles, "I meant it every day..."

Gaaah. With the music swelling up, and especially knowing that IRL he would die before Enter the Dragon debuts, it gets me every time...Right in the feels.


Agreed. I disliked it the first time I saw it, but on a rewatch I looked past all the inaccuracies and fantastical elements and it really is a beautiful movie.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


The movie has to be taken for what it is. Now it is hardly an accurate or even realistic portrayal of Bruce Lee's life. But once you get past all of that it is a lovely movie with some very positive messages. I also think it showed other factors that made Lee one of the coolest icons ever. Yes he could kick some tail, but he was cool for many other reasons. He embraced life and everyone in it. It didn't matter what your race, gender, or religion was. If you were cool and wanted to learn something that he could teach he embraced you. The world lost someone very special when we lost Bruce Lee.
