MovieChat Forums > Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story (1993) Discussion > No disrespect to Jackie Chan or Jet Li.....

No disrespect to Jackie Chan or Jet Li...

But they couldn't mess with Bruce Lee,he was a true legend...



He was on another level.


A big strong fighter over 6 feet tall could beat any one of them! Even Jet Li said said a UFC champ "could kill him". The same thing would go for Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee.

Neither of them could win a bout against the best UFC heavyweight champ!

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


They weren't heavyweights. They would fight someone their own size.

Bruce was a supremely gifted martial artist and possibly the quickest striker who ever lived. He'd beat anybody in his weight class.


And as for a huge ufc fighter over 6 foot tall, you do the same as any street fight where your the under dog, a good kick in the bollox he's not 6 foot anymore


Wow - looks like someone who never studied martial arts. A real practitioner of martial arts does not fight in weight classes. Period. If you have ever watched old school UFC, smaller guys beat bigger guys all the time. Size is not what's important - it's skill. Huge losers are losers. Small winners are winners. Yes, probably all of them could beat a UFC heavyweight champ. UFC fighters train for specific UFC style fights. Controlled environment, refs, and "breaks" whereas real martial artists train for the fight to end, no breaks, no one breaking them up if an off punch is thrown. You are clearly uneducated about this...and Jesus is a historical figure. That's like saying Caesar never existed, he's a Roman myth. They both existed. They are real people. Welcome to reality.


UFC fighters train in all disciplines.
Old school UFC was "style vs style", but now it's fighter vs fighter.


Once again, we have another ignorant person who doesnt know that size and strength means very little in a real fight. It's all about speed, endurance and knowledge.


Aight then, how about 2 fighters, same skill and knowledge and endurance and one is 6'4'' 220lbs and the other is 5'6'' 170lbs.

Money is always on the bigger guy.


bruce is known for not having taken a single hit in the 3 real fights he had (this is a verified fact, google it) he would win agains every ufc fighter over time, he would just wear them down while dodging every single of their move until an opportunity for a strike appears.


bruce is known for not having taken a single hit in the 3 real fights he had (this is a verified fact, google it) he would win agains every ufc fighter over time, he would just wear them down while dodging every single of their move until an opportunity for a strike appears.


Jackie chan is a stuntman and actor not a martial artist dont get me wrong i love him and collect his movies, jet li on the other hand is a martial artist and has trainned for years but he still couldnt beat bruce lee he was out of this world


If you think Jackie is purely a stuntman then I feel sorry for you. He is a seriously good martial artist. Don't take his movies as the be all & end all. Bruce lee is a far superior martial artist but Jackie isn't a no hoper as some like to think.


Jackie Chan is not a pure martial artists. He mainly practices theater martial arts. It's meant for show and not pratcicle fighting. This isn't me hating on him. That's just what he's trained in since he was a little boy living in an orphanage that was also a theater school. He and Jet Li grew up in the same orphanage. Li went on to practice fighting martial arts while Chan continue with the stage kind.


Bruce could handle both of them at the same time and still yawn.

English is not my primary language, but at least I speak more than you.


Bruce "sparred" with Jackie's classmate Sammo Hung. Hung said the "fight" lasted half a move...Bruce's feet was inches away from his face before he could do anything.


Yup. Lee was insanely quick with power to boot! He actually had to slow himself down a fair amount for The Green Hornet as he was too fast for the camera to clearly capture his moves and looked "fake" in the producers opinion.


I grew up watching Bruce Lee's movies. I've watched all his main movies at least 20 times each. I saw Jackie Chan and Jet Li movies on TV all the time when channel surfing, but never had the least bit of interest in watching them from beginning to end.

It's only recently that I've started watching Li and Chan, but they can't compare to Lee.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried
