Wasnt Bruce allergic to asprin?

And didnt he know this? Just saying, I know a lot of the movie was fictional but there was a part in the movie where Bruce asks for an aspirin.


Bruce was actually not allergic to aspirin. Remember his back injury? In real life, he overdid it at the gym one time and that was how he got injured. He didn't give himself enough time to heal, so he often took painkillers due to a lack of healing. When he took the aspirin, it clashed with his painkillers which resulted in a brain hemorrhage. That was how he died.


That's so sad. Ironically, he looked like he was in peak condition. Just look at any photos of him during the making of Enter the Dragon, released the year he died. Lee looked like a literal comic book character, even standing relaxed you could see his abs and striations of muscle. The man was ripped; the image of perfect health.
