I never really understood

why in a few of the scenes [the first dance hall fight scene in particular] Jason Scott Lee glistened with what I assume was intended to look like perspiration when his shirt was removed - didn't spoil the scenes...but I thought that it looked very strange



Yeah...sweat...perspiration...'swat I said.

Bruce Lee's body fat percentage was SO minimal that I suspect he rarely perspired from exertion.

With regards to JSL's incredible physique, it just seemed unnecessary - regardless of the end 'effect'.


It like varnishing wood - it show more tone.
Everything better shiny.


Maybe he had been working out when he was called to help.


guys its not ALASKA there and if you remember real Bruce from return of the dragon when he started to warm up before fight vs Chuck he started sweat very easily and imediately and in real life Bruce like to show how hard he is working and being without tshirt served very well for that


Bodyfat % HAS nothing to do with how much you sweat, or don't sweat.

Sweating is the bodys way of dealing with toxins-to excrete them-no matter if you are 137 pounds or 337 pounds!

EVERYONE sweats-light or heavy-! EVERYONE!

This is like saying that fat people don't have muscle or that muscle turns to fat, if you don't work out.

Fat people HAVE to have muscle, in order to get around! Otherwise they would be sitting around like JABBA THE HUTT-unable to move!

Likewise-muscle is COVERED by fat-it doesn't TURN to fat from misuse! If it DID, then go back to the previous JABBA THE HUTT reference! YOU would NOT be able to DO ANYTHING!!!

If you're the kind of ignorant person that laughs at "fat people" remember this-the muscle that they have developed to support their OWN efforts, are FAR more than enough, to KICK YOUR ASS!



Henry Cavill can't fly, would be hurt if shot, and Hugh Jackman doesn't have his skeleton infused with something called "Adamantium".

Biopic or fantasy piece, some crap is done to make the scene have more effect.


Yeah, the dance scene where his shirt gets ripped off. That was just to shine him up, no way it was real sweat. The guy grabs his shirt and rips it off while Bruce Lee goes backward and his body is completely dry, then it shows him come up and now he is completely wet. Definitely did that to shine him up.

Unless some how he got a full body workout and sweat within seconds.
